We Say Boo Boo to Honey Boo Boo


We don’t like those anti-immigration folks who seem hell bent on keeping foreigners from crossing our borders. But a story on GossipCenter.com makes us wonder whether there shouldn’t be a short list of people who can be turned away when they try to cross Doheny or LaBrea or another of WeHo’s multitudinous boundaries. We’d put on top of the list Honey Boo Boo, who with her portly mom waddled down our streets on Monday (Oct. 15) in matching pink outfits on their way to an interview at TMZ studios. Honey, whose Georgia birth certificate identifies her as Alana Thompson (a U.S. citizen, so deportation is not a possibility) stars in “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” a TLC beauty pageant show. The Onion’s A.V. Club calls it a “horror story posing as a reality television program.” A reviewer for Forbes, sympathizing with Honey and family (sort of) blasted TLC for depicting them as “a horde of lice-picking, lard-eating, nose-thumbing hooligans south of the Mason-Dixon Line.” Truth be told, Honey Boo Boo’s diet doesn’t include lard. But it does include “Go Go Juice,” a Red Bull/Mountain Dew mix her mom uses to prep her for beauty pageants. Mom also has been known to scoop up some road kill in rural Georgia to feed the family. If West Hollywood isn’t more vigilant, we’re might soon find food trucks serving possum and chitlins on Santa Monica Boulevard.

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