Term Limiters Celebrate Under Cover


West Hollywood, term limits, city councilThose of you who think politics is boring haven’t gotten involved in the term limits campaign. West Hollywood Term Limits, the group of neighborhood activists who garnered enough signatures to put a city council term limits resolution on the March ballot, has moved its celebration of that achievement to a secret location.

The group was planning to celebrate Tuesday (Nov. 20) with cocktails upstairs at Micky’s on Santa Monica Boulevard. Micky’s reneged — under pressure from Councilmember John Duran alleged council candidate Steve Martin. (Neither Micky’s owner Mike Niemeyer nor Duran could be reached for a response). Now the term limits group will reveal the location of the new venue only to those who have RSVP’ed.

“Because of the contentiousness of the term limits issue in certain circles, I believe this is necessary to protect those businesses who are willing to publicly accommodate our group,” wrote Scott Schmidt, one of the campaign organizers, in an email.

If voters approve the term limits measure, which isn’t retroactive, future council candidates will be limited to three four-year terms. The term limits movement is seen by some as a pushback by residents against some or all of the four long-serving council incumbents. John Heilman has been on the council since the city’s founding in 1984. Abbe Land has served for 21 years, Mayor Jeffrey Prang for 15 years and Duran for 11. John D’Amico was elected last year. Prang and Duran are up for re-election next March, with Martin and Sam Borelli contenders for their seats.

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Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
11 years ago

It is had to believe even John Duran would stoop this low. If he actually defied the freedom of expression of the public, he is beneath contempt & should be removed from office. He as well as other elected public servants should be supporting voter participation in the proces instead of using strong arm tactics to discourage it. I hope this is not true, but if it is, I will personally hit the streets & walk door-to-door in West Hollywood to campaign against him. I think he is already out of control, but if he is engaging in what I… Read more »