Key Avenues Figures Support Borelli’s Council Candidacy

Phyllis Morris
Phyllis Morris (Photo by Jon Viscott)

The campaign for two seats on the West Hollywood City Council, which lay dormant over the holidays, is warming up again with support by leading figures in the city’s design community for candidate Sam Borelli. Jamie Adler, owner of Phyllis Morris Originals, a major design retailer on North Robertson Boulevard, and her husband John are hosting a Jan. 10 fundraiser for Borelli at their Phyllis Morris Originals showroom. Co-hosts are Tod Carson and Darren Gold. Carson’s Tod Carson Inc. offers antiques, lighting and design services from its shop on Robertson. Gold is co-founder of Mhope, a women’s fashion line, and works with Alpha, a designer of sportswear and accessories for men. He is chair of the board of the Avenues of Art, Fashion and Design, the West Hollywood business district that encompasses Robertson and portions of Beverly Boulevard and Melrose Avenue. Jamie Adler is vice-chair of the Avenues. Carson is a member of the board.

Borelli, who sits on the city’s Public Safety Commission, is a communications consultant who has worked with non-profit, healthcare and entertainment organizations. He is one of nine candidates for the two seats currently held by incumbent councilmember John Duran and Mayor Jeffrey Prang, both of whom are seeking re-election.

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