Flash! City Protects SMB Crosswalkers


West Hollywood, a city known for being friendly to gays and Russian Jews, among other minority groups, is now a bit more friendly to another minority group — pedestrians. The city has completed installation of signals at the heavily used crosswalk on Santa Monica Boulevard that connects the Starbucks on the corner of Westmount with the building housing LASC, 24 Hour Fitness and other businesses across the street. Now pedestrians can push a button to active flashing lights, warning motorists to be wary of those smartphone-reading and -texting guys and gals ambling all too slowly across Route 66.

Santa Monica Boulevard Crosswalk

Santa Monica Boulevard Crosswalk

Santa Monica Boulevard Crosswalk

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Edward Hodge
12 years ago

It is about time, these unlit crosswalks are just waiting for accidents. Especially because we have so many visitors that aren’t used to signal-less cross walks.

Stephen James Ayers
12 years ago

The week the rainbow crosswalk was gone was the longest week of the year.

12 years ago

I am surprised. I thought they would just paint some rainbow colors on the crosswalk and call it good!