Latest WeHo Campaign Donations Show Martin Lags Behind Incumbents

Steve Martin
Steve Martin

The latest city council race campaign donation filing released by the West Hollywood City Clerk shows challenger Steve Martin significantly behind the incumbents he is challenging in the March 5, 2013 election.

From the beginning of the year through Jan. 19, Martin’s campaign has raised only $2,260 according to the report released Wednesday (Jan. 30). The report shows Martin has loaned his campaign an additional $6,200, bringing his total campaign funding to $8,460. By contrast, Mayor Jeff Prang has raised $17,525 and Councilmember John Duran has raised $58,315. Prang and Duran’s fundraising began last year. Martin’s report indicates he only began raising funds this month. Another challenger, Sam Borelli, has raised $20,358.36.

The reports released Wednesday included one for candidate Rusty Wiggs, who reported no contributions. Tom Demille, who has run unsuccessfully in many past elections, listed contributions of $185, mostly in the form of gift cards from Marco’s restaurant, Top Hat dry cleaners, Ralph’s supermarket and the Sun Bee liquor store.

Still to be released are contribution reports from challengers Tristan Schukraft and Christopher Landavazo, which likely will be disclosed this week.

The mostly recently reported donations, almost all from West Hollywood residents and businesses, made no dent in the impact real estate industry contributions have had on the race thus far. Real estate interests have donated about $32,000, accounting for the bulk of all donations from a particular group, with 85 percent of those contributions going to John Duran and 15 percent to Jeff Prang. To date, reports show total donations of $90,030, a fraction of the amount likely to be raised in the campaign. In the 2011 race for three council seats, total donations reached $450,000.

Under current city law, candidates may continue to receive donations up to six months after election day. The city council currently is considering a proposal to extend that period to nine months. Many major donors in past elections have hedged their bets, not donating to a candidate until he or she has been elected. An extension of the donation period would make it possible for candidates to cover loans they have made to their campaigns or campaign expenses not funded by pre-election donations.


Editor’s note: WEHOville erred in an earlier report of total campaign contributions reported from 2012 to date to West Hollywood City Council candidates Sam Borelli and Steve Martin for the March 5, 2013 election. Those donations are $20,358.36 for Borelli and $8,460 for Martin. WEHOville regrets the error.


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12 years ago

You know what I’ve noticed? It is the same few people commenting on the same topics in all publications. I say let’s give it a rest and let others weigh in. Rudolph, Riley, Sheila, me, Lauren, and myself included.

Rudolf Martin
Rudolf Martin
12 years ago
Reply to  Snarkygal

@Snarkygal: believe me, i’m trying…

12 years ago
Reply to  Snarkygal

@SnarkyGal – It is not as if others cannot weigh in if we do. I wish to high heaven that “others would weigh in.” It seems not many are reading and/or care enough to comment or get involved. I read an article on the Patch once from Malibu and there were over 100 comments mostly from different people. Wouldn’t that be great?

Rudolf Martin
Rudolf Martin
12 years ago

i erroneously posted on another comment thread that 44 out of 45 monetary contributions for John Duran come from outside of WeHo (not exactly grass roots).
It’s actually 45 out of 45…
the person listed in Weho…the address is actually in L.A.
and…. she shares that suite (or P.O. Box) with another contributor, Western Built Construction. sorry for the mistake.

12 years ago

@Matt – we need term limits AND elections and we need full disclosure of where the money comes from. Yes, we have the right to vote people out, but we in Weho have actually lived through the short-time resident, Lindsay Horvath, being APPOINTED to by City Council Members to the City Council. Where were our rights then? Where was our choice then? This year we have a powerful lobbyist in one Steve Afriat, whose many clients include real estate developers and whom we have all seen lobby on behalf of those clients in front of the very people he is… Read more »

12 years ago

Steve Martin may have the least amount of money, but of all the candidates he’s the only one running a real campaign. While Duran and Prang chase developer dollars, Steve is walking neighborhoods and his supporters are putting up signs all over town. And while I’ve heard that the incumbents are paying people to make phone calls and walk the neighborhoods for them, Steve has a base of enthusiastic resident volunteers holding meet and greets for him everywhere. Money can buy you a lot of things, but it can’t buy you love.

12 years ago

Hey Matt Paneno,
STOP COMPLAINING for goodness sake!!!!!….seems you are complaining quite a bit yourself….people aren’t allowed to have their own opinions any longer in your world???…you’ve done an almost perfect job of putting everything and everyone down, so i’m curious as to what you actually believe in….

matt paneno
matt paneno
12 years ago

this idea that candidates are bought and paid for, and that term limits are the answer, is ridiculous. what makes west hollywood any different than any other city that has elections, ego, greed, and users & dreamers? the answer is; gay people who think that their little village is so special and precious that all of the issues and problems that are part of politics everywhere else are not going to exist in this magical place called boystown. it’s a joke that somehow we are special and immune form human nature,temptation and bad behavior. if you want to change the… Read more »

Allegra Allison
Allegra Allison
12 years ago

Dear Jeff and/or John,
Last night, a building at my corner sprouted new Jeff & John signs.
I realize that your campaign workers are passionate but, my Steve Martin signs were torn down at the same time.
That’s not right or nice and it’s illegal. I’ve already replaced seven around my neighborhood.
This is not what’s gonna get you elected.
I hope you’ll be gentlemen and put a stop to this behavior.

Robert Nunez
12 years ago

West Hollywood doesn’t need term limits, we need campaign finance reform. Too many of our council members are bought by developers. Term limits would just make it easier for developers to hand pick new council members every election. We need to get all this money out of our elections and have a council that represents people and not mega-shopping centers.

12 years ago

So, let’s see…if we follow the money, we might find that that 85% of $32,000.00 is around $27,200.00 (so far) to John Duran from Real Estate developers. John Duran is “connected” to Steve Afriat, a lobbiest, who is paid by developers to get their projects pushed passed West Hollywood City Council. Can we safely ascertain that there might be favors owed if Duran gets elected? How do YOU spell overdevelopment, boys and girls? D-U-R-A-N. No wonder he takes people out to lunch.