LIVE MAP: Crime in West Hollywood


At the March 19 City Council meeting, Mayor Jeffrey Prang and Councilmember Abbe Land told Sheriff’s Department Capt. Kelley Fraser that the local public needs to be better informed about crime through social media and related technologies.

“The more eyes on the streets, the better,” said Land.

One popular web tool that helps inform the public about crime in their neighborhoods is, a site that works with law enforcement agencies, including the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, and specifically West Hollywood’s office.

Data presented on the CrimeMapping maps is gathered with the permission of agencies and most choose to have their information uploaded every 24 hours. The default date range for crimes displayed shows the previous week, but you can fiddle with the range below. You can go back as far as 180 days to see all the crime in West Hollywood.

Above, we present the CrimeMapping map for West Hollywood, which automatically updates. This page isn’t going anywhere, so feel free to bookmark it and come back for updates. We’ve also included a link that will stay on the homepage.

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11 years ago

They should also include a map of how many people they’ve allowed to be hit at the crosswalks because they can’t put up a flashing light.