WeHo Bans Flannel? We Mink Not!

gay bear flannel
Silver Lake Flannel

Our friends at LA Weekly almost had us with this post about West Hollywood’s City Council banning the sale and wearing of flannel. But it wasn’t the fact that the story was posted on April Fool’s Day that roused our suspicion. It was that the fabric in question is flannel.

Now, we know that the best flannel comes from goats. And a City Council as passionate as ours about protecting the rights of minks is likely to worry about goats as well. (We hear a proposed revamp of the city’s expense account rules will only permit reimbursement for vegan meals). But flannel is so not West Hollywood. Flannel is Silver Lake, dear LA Weekly friends!

Here, if we wear shirts at all (speaking for the guys) they’re likely to be cotton or woven of some sort of artificial fiber. And we’re so environmentally conscious that we wear just enough fabric to cover our nipples (sometimes). That’s why we work so hard on those highly visible abs.

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