The next WeHo City Council election is nearly two years away (and the most recent one is only three months past), and already there is a buzz in political circles that Larry Block is weighing a run for one of the seats held by incumbents John Heilman and Abbe Land.
Block, chairman of the Disabilities Advisory Board and owner of the Block Party, a clothing store for gay men in West Hollywood, has been a frequent presence at council meetings. He caused a buzz on one occasion by demanding that councilmembers John Heilman and John D’Amico, who famously were not on speaking terms, stand up and shake one another’s hands. He also continues to campaign for the council to designate part of the west end Santa Monica Boulevard where gay clubs are congregated as “Boystown.” And he has been critical of the city for not hanging the rainbow flag banner, a symbol of gay rights, at City Hall. The city hung a temporary flag from City Hall last week in time for LA Gay Pride. Block plans to donate a permanent one at the next city council meeting.
Block has announced his intention to various movers and shakers in West Hollywood, although he declined to confirm for the record. He has more than a year before he has to make it official.
I happen to have know this man; at a personnel and business level. To all my friends in We Ho and in LA who I asked to support this man. I ask you do so on your own not because I had in the past supported him. DO NOT I repeat DO not take my recommendation to support or vote for Mr Block. to my friends and family please do your own investigation to his ability do do the job. If you need further reason contact me.I would rater not post it .
Oh Harold, you sound like such an old, pathetic, bitter man. You couldn’t be more wrong and uninformed. First of all, the point in owning a store or business IS to make profit and target the audience surrounding your business. For your information, 50% of the customers are men in their 40’s to 60’s. Selling cigarettes at one location in town when there are several other locations that do in walking distance does not make it a giant contributor to smoke on SMB. Cigarettes are legal and people who choose to smoke very well may. I actually don’t smoke but… Read more »
Mr. Block, I heard you speak at the City Council meeting this month and I understand that you plan to run for City Council. One of the issues that bothers me and many residents is the inability to walk down Santa Monica Blvd. between Palm and Robertson without having to endure countless smokers at the bars and restaurants. It should be the right of all residents to not have to experience second hand smoke. I understand you are one of the main contributors to this problem by selling cigarettes in your t-shirt store. I makes me wonder what do t-shirts… Read more »
Mr. Larry Block
West hollywood needs people like yourself with a fresh point. I know deep on my heart youa re the right person to do this job.
Maybe the residents of WeHo, “Boys Town”, should make the decision of how and what they approve to be hanging to represent them as a joined community. Although, maybe it was never voted about hanging the American flag, because there are enough diverse nationalities living there to have display interest in other flags, so, in a USA city, we hang the USA American flag; however, what is flying in Korea Town, China Town, etc.? Imagine that if anyone were to become a resident in West Hollywood, WeHo, Boys Town, CA, or whatever it is referred to in conversation or print,… Read more »
larry is a game changer & gets the job done. GO FOR IT LARRY. WEHO needs u!!
This is an excellent example of Larry’s character as an individual. First of all, his store window is an entirely inappropriate place to post anything in regards to city hall. Second, this merely shows the quality of person stating “who cares about the gay flag”. Lastly, Larry is not afraid of a disagreement or confrontation, positive or negative. If you have something to say, be a man a stand up and say it.
Thank you all for your comments.. TO THE PERSON WHO TAPED THE NOTES TO MY STORE WINDOW IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT… your notes.. ‘WHO CARES ABOUT THE GAY FLAG” the answer is I DO, people who struggle for acceptance and diversity all their lives care. SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE THANKED ME, HUGGED ME, WITH TEARS FLOWING DOWN THEIR FACE BECAUSE FINALLY A RAINBOW FLAG THAT IS A BIG WELCOME SIGN TO DIVERSITY AND ACCEPATANCE FLYS AT CIYT HALL.. FOR THE FIRST TIME… As to how I can change the rest of your comments about the speed conditions on… Read more »
I know Larry as a fellow local business owner. His heart and passion are in the right place. His voice is sure to stir a welcome and lively addition to the debate for a seat on the city council should he run.
It would be nice to have a local business owner on the city council for a change.
Larry knows this City like no one else. He has the passion, the drive, and the leadership skills to take West Hollywood into the 21st century. The time has come to remove the old and truly bring in the new. Larry Block would be a refreshing and dedicated voice of the residents of West Hollywood.
If Larry runs, he will win. I worked for him when he founded YMLA and watched him build that company from zero to 30million bucks.. We were in the Inc 500 fastest growing companies in America twice. Hes a master at teamwork and bringing people together. And Ive never seen him yell at anybody.. he treats everybody with respect. The best boss Ive ever worked with.