Heidi Shink and Donna Saur Rumored as 2015 City Council Candidates

Heidi Shink
Heidi Shink poses with West Hollywood council members Jeffrey Prang, left, and John Duran.

The next city council election is two years away, but buzz has already begun about possible contenders who may challenge incumbents John Heilman, Abbe Land and John D’Amico. In addition to rumors about a run by business owner Larry Block, there’s talk of Heidi Shink and Donna Saur entering the 2015 race.

Both women are now serving two-year terms on city commissions: Shink on the Human Services Commission (appointed by Jeffrey Prang) and Saur on the Public Facilities Commission (appointed by John D’Amico).

Neither Shink nor Saur returned requests for comment.

Shink is the vice president of communications for the Stonewall Democratic Club. She’s also a member of the West Hollywood-Beverly Hills Democratic Club, as is Saur.

Saur was previously longtime councilmember Sal Guarriello’s deputy. The Sal Guarriello Veterans’ Memorial is named for World War II veteran Guarriello, who died in 2009.

Shink and Saur both supported Prang and Duran in this year’s elections.

Earlier this year, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) honored Shink as the 28th Congressional District’s Women of the Year. Shink is also a member of the California Democratic State Central Committee.

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11 years ago

sure, why not usher more cronies into office at weho city hall…..UGH