Saturday With Party Promoter Billy Francesca


billy francesca

The “Bearded Ladee” Billy Francesa, one of West Hollywood’s most colorful party promoters, has a crazy, all-over-the-place party formula, a vivacious personality and stiletto boots to match. A late night of of partying doesn’t stop him from enjoying a caffeine-infused WeHo Saturday filled with napping, waxing and brunching.

In his own words, here is Billy Francesca’s perfect Saturday in West Hollywood:

There is no such thing as a typical Saturday with me (Billy Francesca, hi’zees).

I knew I was meeting “Photographer to the Stars” Jon Viscott in the a.m., but that didn’t stop me from dancing all night at Evolution at the Factory!

On my way to the NEW WeHo trolley — Robertson to Fairfax, every 15 minutes Friday and Saturday (YAY!) — I thought a little nap in the park was just what this bearded ladee needed, so MY Saturday started with a wake-up call from Jon clicking away photos of this sleeping beauty in the park!

After getting myself together I did what any young woman in my position would do, I got my unicorn mask, dusted myself off and headed off for my morning tall soy chai latte (no water, no foam) over at Starbucks on the corner of Robertson and Santa Monica.

These kids are no strangers to my routine! Always sweet as pie, they patch me up and get me back on my feet to keep the Saturday train moving.


After some caffeine I’m back to life and on my way. Of course, I stop to wave to passerbys on the rainbow crosswalks of dreams.

This particular Saturday, I had an appointment. No, not for a massage or more Botox, this one was a little less glamorous … IT’S WAXING TIME!

Isle of Serenity has the laborious task of waxing my upper back. I mean, nobody wants me hosting events around town looking like Chewbacca wearing vintage Halston. OK, shut up it’s Forever 21 (They’ve asked me to stop shopping there, but you can’t beat a bargain! I need a Forever 51).

So after a quick waxing (2 hours, 45 minutes … I’m Lebanese and Sicilian), I’m off for my favorite part of the day: Brunch!

Kitchen 24 is my home away from home. Not only do they serve breakfast all day and night but the staff is beyond wonderful.

It’s a place where a ladee like myself can sit and enjoy a Saturday morning (Vegas headdress optional).

Some cold cucumber slices for my eyes as an appetizer and the puffiness fades away. And now I’m ready for breakfast!

I leaf through the menu, but I always end up ordering my favorite, the delicious Garden Benedict (No onions, well done hash browns and I add bacon. Well I actually say “Make it rain bacon” because, I mean, who doesn’t love bacon).

A leisurely brunch for me, shoveling in Yum Yum’s and getting caught up on emails and Facebook, and then I am out the door.

Feeling refreshed and ready for whatever shenanigans I can get into before the night rolls around makes Saturday one of my favorites.

3 Questions For Francesca:

1) Where in West Hollywood are you likely to go for a Saturday brunch or lunch?

Well, I have to say K24 cause they will kill me! LOL.

2) If you are planning a night out in West Hollywood, what are you likely to do?

If I’m going out, I make the rounds, but I would more than likely be at Rasputin. The music is IT!

3) Where in West Hollywood do you like to shop?

Shop … um … all my favorite little places are gone. The Lemon Tree Bungalow. There is a cute clothing store near Eat Well, but I can’t remember the name. That place rocks!

Below, check out photos of Francesca from freelance photographer Jon Viscott.

billy francescabilly francescabilly francesca

billy francesca

billy francesca

billy francesca billy francescabilly francesca

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11 years ago

Love crossing your path with you when out and about – putting a smiles on my face a many times! hugs

Sam Borelli
Sam Borelli
11 years ago

Good thing he is not the the Boothorelli