Who Will Be WEHOville’s Person of the Year?


There’s never a dull moment in West Hollywood, a town of a little more than 34,000 people squeezed into 1.89 square miles who aren’t reluctant to make themselves heard (Jeanne Dobrin comes to mind) and seen (who can forget the Speedo-wearing Michael Crosby speaking at a WeHo City Council meeting last May?). That’s not to mention quieter folks like WeHo Jesus and our beloved Biker Tranny.

Then there are those who really have made their influence felt this year (for better or worse) on West Hollywood and the surrounding communities that we embrace as part of WEHOville. WEHOville is poring through its coverage over the past year and talking to those who are in the know to get a sense of the influencer(s) who really have made a difference and should be recognized for that with the WEHOville Person of the Year award we will bestow next month.

On the following pages, take a look at who we are considering. Use the comment section below to choose from among them or suggest someone else we should be thinking about. We won’t post the comments, but we will list who our readers have recommended when we announce WEHOville’s Person of the Year in the first week of January 2014.

Our ultimate choice may well be someone not on our list, someone you have recommended.  And remember, we’re looking to call out someone who has made a significant impact on our little burg. It can be someone you love, or someone you love to hate. (After all, consider that Time magazine named Adolf Hitler its Man of the Year in 1938!)

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10 years ago

Defiantly not ARIFfFFFAT

Marco Colantonio
Marco Colantonio
10 years ago

Be careful what you wish for, because this title may be something to be reviled and not revered. Like many, I first read this article without paying attention to the “caveat” for better or worse and I allowed my emotions to prevail over the pragmatism to which I aspire and for or this and my subsequent “knee jerk reaction”, I owe Hank Scott an apology. The idea of Person of the Year caters to our vanity and Wehoville’s application of Time Magazine’s original 1927 concept is provocative. The title Person of the Year could be duplicitous by intention, but I… Read more »