Owner of Pink Taco Wants Palms Instead of Pink Trumpets

A photographic concept of ET Legg's proposed  "transparent parameter fence" on its property on Sunset Boulevard
A photographic concept of ET Legg’s proposed “transparent parameter fence” on its property on Sunset Boulevard
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West Hollywood Voter
West Hollywood Voter
10 years ago

This whole “let’s get rid of the palm trees” thing is idiotic and will eventually have political repercussions once folks realize what’s going on. Yes palm trees have their problems, but they are iconic to Los Angeles (and don’t uproot sidewalks like other trees).

Save West Hollywood’s and Los Angeles’ palm trees!!! Bravo Pink Taco!

ChadMichael Morrisette
10 years ago

Palm trees are a signature for Los Angeles yes. But they provide zero shade for the pedestrians on the street, which seems as the drought continues is something we need to consider. But then….how much water do these “flowering” trees require? Palm trees are drought tolerant. Water conservation should be the priority.

Wehoan Fed Up with the NIMBYs
Wehoan Fed Up with the NIMBYs
10 years ago

We have tree zones? Oh lord…

JESS K Registered Voter
JESS K Registered Voter
10 years ago

How about this as a concept worth considering! Plant all kinds of fruit trees all around West Hollywood, everywhere a tree can be planted. The public could then have access to free fruit from them. I bet somewhere in City, County, or State Government there are funds to do something like this.

10 years ago

Now this is a first world problem if I ever saw one. But for the record, I’m #TeamPalm

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