‘Beast’ Sculpture to be Unveiled Saturday at WeHo’s Plummer Park

'Three Horned Beast' at Plummer Park
‘Three Horned Beast’ at Plummer Park

The “Three Horned Beast and Baby Beast,” powder coated aluminum sculpture by the art and architecture duo Lisa Little and Emily White, will be unveiled at Plummer Park on Saturday.

The unveiling ceremony, which runs from 10 a.m. to noon will reveal to the public the latest projects of the city’s Art on the Outside program and WeHo East Arts program, whose goal is to bring more art to the city’s east side.

The “Beast and the Baby Beast” sculpture is made of aluminum, a strong yet lightweight metal used to shape a large open lattice almost 30 feet hight whose raw material can be condensed into a two-foot square cube.

Little and White are partners in Layer, an architecture firm based in Venice.

White holds a Master of Architecture degree from the Southern California Institute of Architecture  and a Bachelor of Arts from Barnard College. She has lectured and published on topics ranging from manufactured islands to the history of code in fibrous architecture. Her work has been exhibited in numerous museums and galleries. She has taught design studios at the University of Southern California, the University of California at Berkeley and Woodbury University.

Little holds a Master of Architecture from the Southern California Institute of Architecture and a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. Little worked as an associate at Patrick Tighe Architecture for three years. Prior to that she was a designer in the office of Pugh + Scarpa Architects. At these firms she worked on retail, affordable housing, single family residential and commercial projects. Previously, she was the director of the Flame and Inferno software development team at software developer Discreet Logic and a hardware design engineer at Abekas Video Systems developing hardware systems for film and television post production.


Sam Falls sculpture at Plummer Park.
Sam Falls sculpture at Plummer Park.
Saturday’s event also will highlight the Sam Falls sculpture on the plinth in front of the Plummer Park Community Center as well as the “Find Your Roots” pop up art exhibit across the street from Plummer Park at 7362 Santa Monica Blvd. The event will feature music and pastries from area bakeries. Free parking is available in both Plummer Park parking lots, accessible from either Santa Monica Boulevard or Fountain Avenue.
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10 years ago

And I agree with all the comments ,,,,and one of them asked how much these things cost the tax payer

10 years ago

Why should so called arts council make is have to look at these monstrsatize it is about time we had a vote in wat we want to look at let’s have a community get together that are interested can vote on the best presentation s I am sure many in community would come together and a way to bring people together ,makes me wonder if the people that put this rubbish in the park and at the west end ,have ever been anywhere out side weho to see what public art looks like in other country’s and museums ,,,I have,,and… Read more »

10 years ago

I know ugly when I see it.

John J.
John J.
10 years ago

It’s only slightly better than the ridiculous art in the West Hollywood park by the new library. What is that bizarre dark cone with a single eye which was placed in the weird concrete plaza looking out onto San Vicente? Most of the time, energy and money put into public art would be better directed towards simple, humane, universal architectural design that benefits everyone while minimizing the influence of personal taste.

Geoffrey Buck
Geoffrey Buck
10 years ago

Hope this is temporary and looks dangerous with sharp edges. Hope no one gets hurt.

10 years ago


Rudolf Martin
Rudolf Martin
10 years ago

so after the unveiling ceremony they fenced the beast in again, effectively taking away the entire plot of open space from the public again. is the fence a permanent part of the installation? whatever visual aesthetic there was to be gained from having a sculpture in the park is surely neutralized by the chain link construction fence that has surrounded it for 6 months and was only taken down for the photo-op ceremony.

10 years ago

It is possible that the Art Advisory Biard had a hand in selecting these pieces. It would be pair to have the public know details of the selection process. Are these architects @ Layer auditioning for other city projects, are there benefits to the nominators if the works? Essentially what is going on?

Although in some cases juxtaposition is warranted in presenting artistic endeavors but of foremost importance is suitability and a relevance giving the finished product a sense of place.

If the goal here was to demonstrate discord and irrelevance perhaps this effort succeeded in echoing the current environment

Rudolf Martin
Rudolf Martin
10 years ago

I agree with all the comments above, especially Riley’s questions:

The sculpture (apparently made by regular city contractors, not local artists) has been standing there fenced off for 6 months, we are already tired of it and now it’s being “unveiled”?

If the need for “active open space” is as urgent as council members claim, then why are we taking away this area that was actively used every day?

10 years ago

I totally agree with Riley.

Wehoan Fed Up with the NIMBYs
Wehoan Fed Up with the NIMBYs
10 years ago

Please tell me city funds didn’t go to put these up? Why does the city waste its time with stunts like this? Want to support the arts? Pay MOCA at PDC to house these objects for an exhibition if you must. But keep them out of the parks. They’re hideous.

10 years ago

Who picks these pieces? Yes, art is subjective, but these look ridiculous in the setting of Plummer Park. The art on the west side near Doheny is tasteful and has merit. These just look like play equipment for the children’s area. This was an open area where peaceful yoga classes had been enjoyed by the park-goers. How long is it supposed to be there? All that aside, why has it taken six months to install and how much did it cost the taxpayers? The City talks about chopping down the beautiful old trees in the park so they can have… Read more »