UPDATE: Andre Damiane Davids, 36, has been booked at the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station for the murder of his boyfriend, Dr. Kurtland Ma. Davids is being held in lieu of $1 million bail. Ma, 34, was found stabbed to death Saturday in his apartment at 939 Palm Ave.
Ma, an emergency medicine specialist who graduated from Yale University School of Medicine in 2008, moved to West Hollywood recently from New York City. He is a native of Scottsdale, AZ. He posted an announcement of his relationship with Davis on Facebook in September last year.
Deputies were called to the apartment occupied by Ma and Davis at 4:56 p.m. Saturday when someone reported suspicious activity, according to Crystal Hernandez of the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau
“Upon their arrival, the deputies were informed that the individual who lived at the location may have killed his roommate and was thinking about killing himself. After no response in the apartment, the deputies forced entry and discovered the victim,” Hernandez said. Ma was on the kitchen floor with apparent stab wounds, she said. Paramedics pronounced him dead at the scene.
Deputies found Davids hiding in the bathroom. “The suspect appeared to have taken a large amount of pills and was transported to a local hospital for treatment and evaluation prior to booking,” Hernandez said.
This article includes information contributed by City News Service.
I feel so bad and remember the family when they lived in Poughkeepsie, NY. Now Kurtland’s mother : Peggy says:” I got the wrong number!” . This affected everybody!
@venicementor: Amen sister!!
A guy at my cousin’s workplace just last week fatally stabbed his boyfriend in the back. While reading details of the crime I stumbled upon Ma’s story which is one of the most horrific murders I have read about. Further, the 12 year prison sentence given to the murderer only makes matters worse. To kill and mutilate someone so viciously should have warranted a lifetime of inprisonment. However, it seems that crimes committed within gay relationships aren’t punished as heavily as those that occur among heterosexuals. Sadly, it’s a strange reality that relationships within that the gay community frequently become… Read more »
I knew Kurtland when he was a baby, my sister and iI would babysit Kurtland and his brother Wayland. I can remember Kurtland a newborn being taken care of by his grandmother, Wayland pointed out to my father and I ,”Kurtland, Kurtland introducing his new brother!” It just seems like yesterday around 34 years ago.
WeHo can be a fun place, but all to often it is a den of drugs, bad attitude, and the urinal of LA County.
Both families are dealing with alot. Andre is my best friends younger brother. My heart goes out to both families. This was indeed a horrible situation. And, to the guy who commented about drugs being the motive, get your facts in line before making ignorant comments. Not all African Americans that have problems are the result of drug use.
Astengo from New York City, It breaks my heart to hear of this tragedy. Young and gone too soon. Why would anybody snap to the extent of death? Can we look into the core of the issue and not just see it as a gay relationship, doctor and such……Obviously this is the case where there was pain, suffering and unhappiness in the relationship. This goes to anyone reading and mourning about the tragedy, please go and seek help if you are in an abusive or violent relationship, this is the moment where you have to get the red flag and… Read more »
It is interesting to me that most everyone who is so appalled abut what happened or what is happening says nothing about the drugs that are so liberally distributed in this area. Come on folks, you cry about greedy landlords and an increase of violence in and out of relationships but fail to see the elephant in the room – DRUGS, METH and all sorts of BS Drugs. Many people there need a reality check and realize that no matter what your sexual habits are, the drugs don’t make it better, they eventually MAKE IT WORSE!!!!
got to know Kurt many years ago but lost contact for a long long time. He was such a wonderful guy! I really can’t believe what happened to him!
Very sad! I lived in the apt. right across from this stabbing incident. I moved away from that building in Feb. It used to be a nice, safe albeit overpriced building. A year ago the property management got greedy, and starting converting deluxe two bedroom units into cramped 3 bedrooms. That was the beginning of it all. They started letting 3 to 5 people in a unit. Mostly unemployed 20 somethings. They always seemed to be home, and partying. The building reeked of pot! It started getting very noisy. Patio furniture went missing. Cars were being broken into. People sleeping… Read more »
There is a major police operation going on at the same building tonight (Monday). Sketchy details, but several gunshots were heard. Police initially told all residents to stay inside. Many helicopters were hovering (typical), maybe a dozen squad cars, a couple ambulances, fire trucks, Palm sealed off between Cynthia and Holloway. At least one person taken away in an ambulance. Bystanders have very little other information. Can’t imagine it’s related, but frightening nonetheless. Hopefully more details tomorrow here.
Andre Davids was the Building Manager at the Church of St Paul and St Andrew (United Methodist) in New York for many years. The person described here is not the Andre Davids we knew. Our senior pastor, K Karpen, who worked with Andre very closely, flew to LA yesterday after informing the congregation during Sunday services. Both he and our associate pastor, Siobhan Sargent, said they received texts from Andre that were disturbing. All of us here New York are praying for both these souls, the one that has gone to God and the one that remains so desperately troubled… Read more »