Visit WeHo Hires Karyl Bridgewater to Head Film Marketing


Visit West Hollywood has hired hospitality industry veteran Karyl Bridgewater to head up its Film West Hollywood program as director of film marketing. Film West Hollywood promotes filmmaking in West Hollywood by marketing to the industry, providing referrals for film locations and booking hotel accommodations and wrap parties.

Karyl Bridgewater
Karyl Bridgewater
Bridgewater brings more than 20 years of experience in sales, marketing and management in the hospitality and tourism industry. She has held key roles with Kimpton Hotels, the Santa Barbara Conference and Visitors Bureau and the Wyndham Bel Age (now The London West Hollywood.) Bridgewater will serve as a link between the West Hollywood business community and the City of West Hollywood Film Office, which handles permitting, fees, logistics and public safety requirements and serves as a liaison to promote filming through various events directly related to the film industry.

“We want the entertainment industry to know that West Hollywood is a great place to film,” Bridgewater said. “I am thrilled to begin working in conjunction with the city of West Hollywood Film Office to enhance West Hollywood’s reputation as a film-friendly backdrop for a variety of productions right in the heart of the industry’s hometown.”

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