Log Cabin Republicans Let Pride Festival Guests ‘Dunk’ Politicians

Brad Torgan, GOP candidate for the 50th Assembly District, gets dunked.
Brad Torgan, GOP candidate for the 50th Assembly District, gets dunked. (Photo by Matt Baum)

Term limits? Elections? How about just dunking politicians in a tank of water?

That’s what the Log Cabin Republicans of Los Angeles offered visitors to the L.A. Pride Festival an opportunity to do on Saturday.

At the LCRLA’s “Know Before You Throw” event, those willing to answer questions about the Republican party got a chance to toss a ball at a politician hoisted above a tank of water, dunking him to the cheers of the surrounding crowd.

Participating were, among others, West Hollywood Mayor John D’Amico and City Councilmember John Duran; John Musella, president of LCRLA, and Brad Torgan, a GOP candidate for the state’s 50th Assembly District, which includes West Hollywood.

It was cheaper than an election. And it looked like a lot more fun.

Mayor John D'Amico prepares to dunk GOP Assembly candidate Brad Torgan.
Mayor John D’Amico prepares to dunk GOP Assembly candidate Brad Torgan.
WeHo City Council candidate Lauren Meister dunks Mayor John D'Amico.
WeHo City Council candidate Lauren Meister dunks Mayor John D’Amico.
Someone casts his vote for a politician at Log Cabin Republicans LA's "dunking" station at LA Pride Festival.
Someone casts his vote for a politician at Log Cabin Republicans LA’s “dunking” station at LA Pride Festival.


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luca d
luca d
10 years ago

different ideas, that’s insane. everyone should agree or move out of west hollywood.
when there is only one point of view, no one ever strays or gets lost.
when will we implement the re-education tribunals?

Chris Roth
Chris Roth
10 years ago

What a brilliant idea! Congrats to the Log Cabin Republicans for showing an incredible sense of humor. You did more to break down the walls between your organization and many who refuse to see that we can all want the same thing in the end but we are allowed to have differing ideas on how to achieve it.