WeHo to Present Details of Upcoming Budget to Residents on Monday


The City of West Hollywood will share details of its proposed two-year operating budget and five-year capital spending plan with local residents at a meeting on Monday.

budgetThe budget that City Manager Paul Arevalo will present to the City Council for approval on June 23 projects $112 million in operating revenue, $109 million in operating expenses and $3.8 million in spending on capital projects for the 2014-2015 fiscal year, which begins July 1. It projects $113 million in revenue and spending of $111 million for the 2015-2016 fiscal year.

Monday’s presentation will be hosted by members of the city’s Finance Department. They will present information about revenues and expenditures included in the budget, key departmental goals and new additions to the budget, including capital improvements. Following the presentation there will be time for community members to engage in a short question-and-answer session.

There are five key themes in this budget-planning cycle: Technology, Arts, Human Services/Homelessness, Community Engagement and new Eastside residents.

Monday’s meeting is the latest in a series of efforts by the city to engage the public in the budget process. Earlier this year, the city conducted an online budget survey to gather feedback on a variety of topics regarding city services, quality of life and infrastructure. On April 2 the city hosted a budget fair at Plummer Park that offered a short video presentation about the city’s budget with background, facts and figures, and with representatives from a variety of city departments and divisions sharing information about work plans with community members. On May 29 the city hosted a Twitter-based #Wehochat about the city’s budget-planning process. An archive of this #Wehochat is posted online at www.weho.org/wehochat.

Monday’s presentation is from 6 to 7 p.m., at the City Council Chambers (located next to Jones Coffee) at West Hollywood Library, 625 N. San Vicente Blvd., south of Santa Monica. Validated parking will be available at the West Hollywood Park five-story public parking garage.

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