‘Sex Sent Me to the ER’ Seeks True ‘Sexual Mishap’ Tales from Same-Sex Couples


screamTLC seeks SSC, MorF—TLC seeks same-sex couple, male or female. Must have story of sexual mishap that called for medical attention.  

In a unique casting call, TLC is looking for couples whose “sexual mishaps” have landed them in the emergency room. Selected couples will be invited to appear on the series “Sex Sent Me to the ER,” which airs on TLC at 9 p.m. on Saturdays. On the show, the real-life couples recount their stories while actors perform re-enactments.

So far the series has featured only stories from opposite-sex couples, says casting producer Timothy Bance, and TLC is interested in featuring same-sex couples with good stories. (More straight couples are still wanted, too.)

“We’re looking for stories across the map,” said Bance, who noted that the series is looking more toward the “lighthearted” than graphic or terrifying. For example, one featured couple rolled over a beehive during an outdoor encounter—and unfortunately, one was allergic to bees.

TLC’s search is national; couples can live anywhere in the U.S. Most of the time, the show will film couples’ interviews where they live. In other cases, participants might be asked to come to L.A., in which case travel costs are covered. Taking part in the show may also entail compensation, although the show does not make the amount of those payments public.

People with relevant stories who are interested in appearing on the show can e-mail castingfunnystories@gmail.com or call (818) 563-4131.

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