WeHo Mayor D’Amico Endorses Bobby Shriver in County Supervisor Race


Santa Monica Mayor Bobby Shriver
Santa Monica Mayor Bobby Shriver
West Hollywood Mayor John D’Amico today announced his endorsement of Bobby Shriver for the 3rd District seat on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

Shriver, the former mayor of Santa Monica and a nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, faces former state senator Sheila Kuehl in the November general election. The seat currently is held by Zev Yaroslavsky, who must step down because of limits on how long any one person can serve in that position.

“We need a supervisor who understands local government and the challenges that a community like ours faces,” D’Amico said in a press release announcing his endorsement. “As a former mayor and council member in Santa Monica, Bobby Shriver is that candidate. Bobby knows how local government works and how important it is for the people who live in cities like West Hollywood to drive the county-wide discussion by highlighting what works in our cities.”

West Hollywood City Councilmember John Duran, who came in third in the June primary race for the supervisor’s seat, to date hasn’t announced who he will endorse. But Duran has been seen escorting Shriver around West Hollywood. He walked with him through the LA Pride Festival in early June and shouted out Shriver’s name at the recent State of the City luncheon held by the City of West Hollywood and the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.

D’Amico and Duran are two of four gay men on the five-member West Hollywood City Council and frequently vote together on issues. Kuehl, a lesbian, was the candidate favored by West Hollywood voters in the June primary. She took 38 percent of the WeHo vote. West Hollywood City Councilmember John Duran ran second, with 24 percent of the votes, followed by Shriver, who took 16 percent.



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Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
10 years ago

These silly little “endorsements” don’t mean diddley-squat to thinking voters (as well evidenced by the last election – & most others). It’s simply a small group of people seeking attention more for themselves than for a political candidate. Obviously Sheila Keuhl will be elected as she should be. I’ll be glad when this election is over & this inane rash of meaningless & embarrassing little “endorsements” disappears… at least until the next election.

10 years ago

Of course he does! Duran’s lapdog.

10 years ago

Shriver doesn’t have a chance. City Council is the highest job he will ever have. While he parades around as a Kennedy he doesn’t have the leadership qualities others in his family had. Give it up Bobby. He has a history of always having “important business” to keep him from his voting responsibilities in Santa Monica. Santa Monica might tolerate that, but the people of Los Angeles County will demand more of it’s leaders. This office needs someone hardworking, committed and in touch with the issues. This office is a job , not a hobby.

EM Sherwood
EM Sherwood
10 years ago

Sacramento politicians are NOT educated in actually doing City/County work. That line is a bunch of hogwash. Signing bills averaging 1 a month is not leadership when there’s limited creation or follow-through ensuring results. Kuehl’s fabrications were made transparent over the past year, as was her lack of character disparaging constituents. Shriver is the perfect candidate with excellent business & fiscal track record; game plan to ease traffic & increase social workers to improve our foster care system. He’s in agreement on our major issues with Zev Yaroslavsky, who held the same position as City Council Member before advancing to… Read more »

10 years ago

Sheila Khuel has my support, not because she’s a lesbian, but because she’s the more progressive candidate.

10 years ago

Its a strange thing in America but women have been conditioned to either envy or resent women in power so historically a large percent of them won’t or can’t vote for a woman. And then of course in this case you add in a famous name like Shriver and good looks and a flashy smile and his lever gets pulled in the voting booth without thinking twice. Lets face it, give Shriver a name like Johnson and considering his voting record and attendance record at Santa Monica and he would have never been even considered for this election. I don’t… Read more »

10 years ago

Clearly Eric is working for the Kuehl campaign, bringing up the old attendance-record red herring, this time exaggerating wildly with the percentage.

10 years ago

The gay candidate is NOT more qualified. Her experience was in dysfunctional Sacramento. This election, and the issues LA County faces (foster care in disarray, abuse in the jail, traffic up the wazoo, homelessness) are too important to pick a candidate based on sexual orientation. I’m gay, and I’m voting for Shriver.

10 years ago

everyone has the right to base his or her decision on anything he or she so chooses. People can and should choose based upon someone’s sexuality if that is important to them and no one has the right to tell them they are right or wrong. In this case it’s more that the candidates sexuality but rather on experience and qualifications. But, this is Weho where being an elected official has nothing to do with either so it makes sense for the Mayor Du Jour to choose Shriver who has a attendance record for votes at Santa Monica City Council… Read more »

10 years ago

One should not choose a candidate based on whether they are gay or not.

10 years ago

insanity!!!!! Weho not supporting the gay candidate with more experience and qualifications? Please! Being a City Council Member of Santa Monica is almost as much of a no-brainer job as a West Hollywood City Council Member. Like I predicted ten years ago….five years from now being a gay town is the last thing Weho will be known for. In 2020 look back at today and ten years ago and compare: you won’t even recognize Weho. Even the Gay leadership is guiding Weho out of it’s gayness. Who cares what any of the City Council Members think? For some reason because… Read more »