WeHo Park’s $80 Million Budget Projected to Increase $5.8 Million


GRAND stair, west hollywood park
West Hollywood Park Grand Stair rendering (LPA Inc. / Rios Clementi Hale Studios)

The $80 million cost of redeveloping West Hollywood Park looks likely to increase another $5.8 million, with $3 million of that for construction of a proposed “grand stair” within the park rising to the entrance to the building housing the proposed roof-level swimming pool and tennis courts.

The City Council will be asked tonight to increase the park budget to $85.8 million to accommodate the “grand stair” and other revisions to the plan for the park. They include spending $400,000 to create an entryway to the park where El Tovar Place intersection with Robertson Boulevard, $200,000 to create what planners are calling the “San Vicente Gardens” from which visitors can enter the park from San Vicente Boulevard, $100,000 to add outdoor exercise equipment for adults and $100,000 to build a freestanding bathroom with two toilets. The remainder of the $2 million projected increase in costs is attributed mostly to rising market costs for various elements of the park redevelopment.

A report to the Council from city staffers notes ” … unforeseen items may still arise in the next phases of study and design that could not have been predicted, such as building code updates, that may expand the scope of work beyond (what is) accounted for in the estimate. Other components that could impact both design and budget are outside agencies that may have to “sign off”onthe project and issue permits for the building (such as LA County Fire Department, public utility companies, etc.)”

The report projects construction will begin June 1, 2015 and be completed Jan 1, 2018.

The report notes several changes to the park plan. The addition of the El Tovar parking lot to the park will add nearly a half acre, bringing the total to almost eight acres. The addition of the new aquatic and recreation center and the demolition of existing buildings will mean a net increase of 57,000 square feet.

The proposal before the Council will make clear that park planners no longer propose taking over and demolishing the Werle Building on the northeast corner of El Tovar and Robertson. That building serves as home to the West Hollywood Recovery Center, the June Mazer Lesbian Archives and as a gallery space for the ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives.

The Council will consider the proposal at its meeting at 6:30 p.m. tonight at the Council Chambers, 625 N. San Vicente Blvd. south of Santa Monica.


CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story said the “grand stair” would rise from San Vicente Boulevard. In fact it will be located within the park grounds and provide an entry to the building housing the park’s swimming pools and tennis courts.

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9 years ago

NYC get the High Line for $90 million and WEHO get so much less for less MORE money by the time it is done. http://inhabitat.com/photos-iconic-high-line-park-in-nyc-opens-final-section-to-public/nyc-high-line-rail-yard-opening/?extend=1

10 years ago

Won’t see seniors / disabled using it that’s for sure! How bout add another million for escalators and I’m joking on that.

Seriously for a city of maybe 50 thousand now but more to come is the park in any way close to the cost of other cities of our size?

How much will the upkeep be yearly, and what is the revenue of the park? Anything??

I don’t’ know I’m old fashioned I love the park how it is..

Hamburger Morty
Hamburger Morty
10 years ago

Just what we need — a $3 million staircase. This town and its politics… ridiculous.

10 years ago

With the library open from 11-7 does this indicate that books are really not that relevant or perhaps that Weho lacks the appropriate books? Beverly Hills Library is crawling with folks at all hours and have a great art research department upstairs. Perhaps Weho didn’t really need this grand library of limited use and could have been served by the original Fickett Library in size and location. Now that would leave the new library to be repurposed as city hall. Why we are building this extravagant park that outsizes a location where in most cities one would find their city… Read more »

10 years ago

who doesn’t agree that the park as it is is beautiful?

10 years ago

How about a park full of fruit trees!!!!!

10 years ago

IDIOCY running RAMPANT at West Hollywood City Hall. $80 million for a PARK!!!! Give me a freaking break!!!! Make it $8million and spend the rest on Social Services for Citizens. A whole lot of people could be FED, cared for medically, and/or have low cost housing. $80million is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!! “A GRAND STAIR” exactly who is going to ascend this stair? Elizabeth Taylor, Queen of Egypt! USELESS!!!!!! Grandiose Ostentatious. Oh Wait! THAT IS WEST HOLLYWOOD!!!!

10 years ago

Great. A Grand Staircase for the grand lawsuit the first time someone falls down it. Ugh.

10 years ago

Really? 5.8 million budget increase. How about you take some of that money and extend the hours at that beautiful library? Y’all created it and then the hours are only 11am to 7pm. What the hell is that about? Even when I lived back in the woods of Missouri our city library was open at 8am and closed at 10pm. Closing at 7pm is ridiculous.

10 years ago

PS: We cannot afford Book Fair this year either. Is staff illiterate too.

10 years ago

Who is “staff”. What are “staff”. Do these staff have qualification in the various areas in which they staff? In some cases the Councilpersons – no make that many cases – the Councilpersons (who have day jobs) seem to be spokespersons for “Staff” who seems to be running the show. Do you folks out there REALY think this “park” is a $80 MILLION+ is a needful thing for this little pretentious city of under 50,000 people? Seriously? Assuming “staff” thinks the influx of tourism anticipated is going to include visitors who want to go to a park – I think… Read more »

10 years ago

Someone must be suffering from Pyramid Envy. These designers would undoubtedly be anxious to up end Central Park and install all the things we never knew we needed or wanted. Please a quiet field, a stream and some trees or
a reasonable urban facsimile.

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