D’Amico Calls Out Plummer Park and Development as 2015 Campaign Issues


The proposed redevelopment of Plummer Park, one of the most contentious issues in West Hollywood in decades, and the impact of new commercial and residential developments on the city’s neighborhoods are likely to be key issues in the March 2015 City Council election given Mayor John D’Amico’s focus on them in announcing an event on Sunday for the kickoff of his campaign.

John D'Amico
John D’Amico

In announcing the event, which will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in West Hollywood Park, D’Amico said: “Let’s get Plummer Park on the agenda and make wise choices for its renovation.” His announcement also stated: “Let’s engage in development that is smart and green and neighborhood friendly. Let’s promise to keep rental housing affordable and safe so that it can serve us for another 30 years. Let’s keep rent control viable and pliable for seniors and the disabled.”

D’Amico’s campaign theme is “Let’s Do This Together.” He was elected to the Council in 2011 with the support of residents unhappy about the long tenure of existing Council members. He defeated Lindsey Horvath, who was appointed to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Councilmember Sal Guariello. Horvath and attorney Steve Martin are the only Council incumbents who have ever lost a re-election campaign.

Thus far 11 candidates have announced for the 2015 election, including John Heilman, the Council’s longest-serving member. Heilman was first elected 30 years ago when the city was incorporated. Councilmember Abbe Land has announced that she will not seek re-election. Councilmember Jeffrey Prang, who ran in the recent election for the L.A. County Assessor position, is waiting for final results of the tally of votes in that election, which political observers think he is certain to win.

That means three of the five Council seats will be on the March 2015 ballot. The Council must decide to either appoint someone to fill the remainder of Prang’s two-year term or call for a special election for that seat in June.

In addition to D’Amico and Heilman, tther candidates registered thus far are Larry Block, Cole Ettman, Mikel “Mike” Gerle, Joe Guardarrama, Lindsey Horvath, James “Duke” Mason, Lauren Meister, Matthew Fritch and Heidi Shink. Lucas John Junkin announced his candidacy earlier this year but subsequently has withdrawn from the race.


The deadline for filing as a candidate is Dec. 5. In order to file, candidates must gather between 20 and 30 signatures of voters registered in West Hollywood. A candidate must be a registered voter, live in West Hollywood and be at least 18 years old.

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10 years ago

To Wehoan Fed Up with the NIMBYs – Who IS the person to help WeHo grow up?

Wehoan Fed Up with the NIMBYs
Wehoan Fed Up with the NIMBYs
10 years ago

He’s indicative of a city that decides that drunken street fairs and lame schemes like “West Jollywood” are important. Like I said: Weho needs to grow up.

Mike Dolan
Mike Dolan
10 years ago

The Eastside it the new Black. Count me in on the redesign of Plummer Park. I welcome new and exciting design choices to be openly debated and implanted. 2015 should be the beginning of the newest oldest park in West Hollywood. I’m with you Mayor on this being one of the campaign issues of this evolution.

10 years ago

Hands off Plumber park West Hollywood! We will fight you like last time.

10 years ago

A fair comparison can not be made of tiny city West Hollywood oppose to the huge cit of New York.

Bernadette Parinello
Bernadette Parinello
10 years ago

The question I have for the mayor is: ARE YOU TAKING CAMPAIGN DONATIONS FROM LOBBYISTS, DEVELOPERS AND OTHERS WITH BUSINESS IN FRONT OF THE CITY? Even though “everyone does it” and the council people all claim that “money doesn’t influence how I vote,” this incestual relationship must be stopped!! The money and where it comes from ALWAYS has strings attached. So I challenge Mayor D’Amico to draw a line in the sand and NOT take these types of questionable and ethically-challenged donations. If he lays down the gauntlet on this, his competition will have no choice but to do the… Read more »

Randy Matthews
10 years ago

What’s wrong with promoting Halloween? Its part of the WeHo culture, and I’m happy to have a mayor who celebrates all parts of living in our great city.

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
10 years ago

Actually New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani did a worse drag in 1977 than Mayor D’Amico did in 2014. Well maybe not worse, but at least as bad, In reality, John D’Amico is doing exactly what should have been done long before this regarding Plummer Park. I know a lot of people will be happy to have their input included rather than resisted, as has been the tendency in the past.

Brian Holt
Brian Holt
10 years ago

He has my vote. Whenever has East West Hollywood been a priority for a council member? Not since John’s election. Thank you, Mayor.

Wehoan Fed Up with the NIMBYs
Wehoan Fed Up with the NIMBYs
10 years ago

This from a man who embarrassed the entire city by appearing on local news as some sort of Marie Antoinette wannabe to “promote” the booze and drug-fest that is Halloween. Weho needs to grow up. This is not the man to help us do it.

Larry Block
Larry Block
10 years ago

Plummer Park deserves a fresh start. We have learned so much from the visioning process at Tara and West Hollywood Park. Its time to scrap the old plan and give the new stakeholders a voice in the Plummer Park of tomorrow.