WeHo Mayor John D’Amico Will Be Partying This Weekend


Mayor John D’Amico’s party schedule is filling up.

After being criticized for hosting a campaign launch and fundraising event for Joe Guardarrama at his home in December, D’Amico said he was willing to host campaign launch events for any of the other 11 candidates in the March 3 City Council race. Hosting such an event, D’Amico said, didn’t mean he was endorsing the candidate. D’Amico has now approached all of the other candidates with that offer.

Matt Ralston
Matt Ralston

The latest candidate to announce that D’Amico is hosting an event for him is Matt Ralston. Ralston, a comedian, was an unsuccessful contender in the 2013 Council race. D’Amico is hosting his kickoff event tomorrow afternoon at his home on Rugby Drive. On Sunday D’Amico is hosting a similar event for Larry Block, owner of the Block Party store on Santa Monica Boulevard. While D’Amico’s hosting doesn’t mean he’s endorsing Block, Block has assembled a list of co-hosts who are supporting him. They include Donna Saur, vice chair of the city’s Public Facilities Commission; Richard Maggio of the Rent Stabilization Commission; Pat Dixon, chair of the Senior Advisory Board; Steven Davis, a member of the Human Services Commission; Robert Gamboa, chair of the Gay and Lesbian Advisory Board; Alexander Bazley and Shawn Hoffman, Public Safety commissioners, and Marco Colantonio and Jim Chud, members of the city’s Disability Advisory Board.

D’Amico also has agreed to host an event for Lauren Meister on Jan. 18 and for Lindsey Horvath on Jan. 17.  Duke Mason declined the mayor’s offer.

That leaves West Hollywood residents waiting for party invitations on behalf of candidates John Allendorfer, Brian Funnagan, John Heilman, Christopher Landavazo and Tristan Schukraft, none of whom has asked D’Amico to host one.

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Guy Privaton (@guyprivaton)

One open seat. Two incumbent seats. John D’Amico hosting parties for potential rivals. To me, its good sportsmanship on behalf of the Mayor.

Marco Colantonio
Marco Colantonio
10 years ago

I attended Larry Block’s “meet and greet” today at the home of Mayor John D’Amico and his husband Keith Rand. I had the pleasure of being one of the many co-hosts for this event and introducing Larry to a packed house filled with a diverse group of Weho residents. Other co-hosts included various West Hollywood Advisory Board Members and prominent City Commissioners. My personal thanks to Mayor D’ Amico and Keith for truly unprecedented hospitality in opening their home to all the candidates and guests. I continue to be overwhelmed by John D’Amico’s grace, sense of fair play and his… Read more »

Guy Privaton (@guyprivaton)

One open seat. Two incumbent seats. D’Amico is hosting parties for potential rivals. I see that as good sportsmanship. (Putting a friend first isn’t a cardinal offense either.) If a candidate refuses an offer for a free party, they might be naive. (Holier than thou.)

10 years ago

This is awkward. It’s obvious D’Amico held a party for his friend Guardarrama..and now he’s trying to save face and host for everyone else. The reality is no one is going to be going to these parties. We don’t want small talk. We want a real forum and debate in a professional setting. Youngster Duke Mason seems to be the only adult not playing into this game by declining the ridiculous party offer.

Larry Block
Larry Block
10 years ago

This is a great chance to meet all the candidates face to face and thank you John D’Amico for breaking the mold and hosting all of us. Keith, your partner, deserves a very nice dinner and a couple of extra date nights for his patience. He gets the ‘first man’ award!

10 years ago
