National Young Women’s PAC Endorses Lindsey Horvath for WeHo City Council Seat


There are only two women among the 12 candidates for the three open seats in the March 2 West Hollywood City Council race, and only one nearly certain to be on the ballot in the June race to fill Councilmember Jeffrey Prang’s seat.

That leaves the very real possibility that WeHo, a city where women represent 44 percent of the population, might be governed by five men.

Lindsey Horvath
Lindsey Horvath
Speaking to that possibility is the Women Under Forty Political Action Committee, which has announced its endorsement of Lindsey Horvath in the March 3 election.

“Lindsey Horvath is a dedicated and proven public servant for her community of West Hollywood, California” said Kate Farrar, WUFPAC president. “WUFPAC was proud to endorse Lindsey in her run in 2011 and excited that she is back to campaign for a seat on the Council once again. Lindsey is seeking to bring accountability, affordability and accessibility to the forefront of the city’s priorities.”

“I am honored to have the endorsement of WUFPAC,” Horvath said. “With the only woman on the West Hollywood City Council retiring, we must work together to ensure that women have a voice in local politics.” Horvath’s reference was to Abbe Land, a long-time Council member who is not seeking another term.

According to its website, WUFPAC was started in 1999 in Washington, D.C. by a group of young women who had gathered to discuss the role of young women in politics. “Recognizing that political capital is built by political tenure and frustrated by the low percentage of women currently holding political office, they created WUFPAC to support the efforts of young women running for Congress and statewide offices,” the WUFPAC website says.


Horvath, who was appointed to the Council in 2009to fill a seat vacated by the death of Sal Guarriello, failed in her attempt to win re-election in 2011. She and Lauren Meister are the only women on the March 3 ballot. Heidi Shink, who had announced her candidacy, decided not to run in the March 3 race and is likely to compete in the special election for the seated vacated by Jeffrey Prang.

According to West Hollywood’s 2013 Community Survey, which relied on U.S. Census figures, the percentage of women living in West Hollywood has been in decline since 1980.

Horvath and Meister also are the only heterosexual candidates in the March Council race. Currently the three men on the Council — Mayor John D’Amico and councilmembers John Heilman and John Duran — are gay. Abbe Land is has long been the only heterosexual Council member. For its Community Survey, the conducted a survey in which 39 percent of respondents identified themselves as gay men, three percent as lesbians, two percent as bisexual men and two percent as bisexual women and 43 percent as heterosexual.

Lindsey Horvath has served on the West Hollywood Women’s Advisory Board and now is chair of the city’s Transportation Commission. She was the founding president of the Hollywood chapter of the National Organization for Women and has served on numerous other boards and commissions.

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9 years ago

The council could use some straight voices. Not everyone in WeHo is gay or lesbian.

9 years ago
Reply to  William

Well, it is known as a gay city, The gays pushed to have it become a city. You do have a valid point however.

Guy Privaton (@guyprivaton)

Lindsy’s had her go
she was an appointee
the people said ‘no thanks’

Ms. Horvath, you came out of the chute a woman,
the credit for that goes to your fathers X chromosome;
y’got to gimme more than that for your council qualifications

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

Ambiguous – what a presumptious comment for you to make. I’d never met nor talked to her before last night. As is so often the case, the rabid WeHo haters refuse to believe anyone can have any opinion other than their own without being bought off or corrupt or biased. I’m still not sure I am voting for her. But she made a very positiven impression. You aren’t.

ChadMichael Morrisette

Lindsey was appointed against democratic process. The people had no say in her being our leader when she was on council. She now has the backing of huge developers and silly endorsements that typically incumbents get. She hasn’t earned even the slightest bit of it on her own. I wonder how she feels about being where she’s at without the democratic process putting her there….

9 years ago

Rob, thanks for your very gracious correction. No judgment, certainly not from me, regarding political affiliation past or present. Just wanted to correct the record. As Chris Sanger previously commented, Lindsey has no problem addressing the facts honestly and she should be given that opportunity. Sharing our opinions is much more constructive when we all have the facts. And, let’s face it… we have plenty of differing opinions to keep discussions going. 🙂

Rob Bergstein
Rob Bergstein
9 years ago

Dear Ms. Lightfoot….hammana, hammana, are absolutely correct & I was wrong/gave out incorrect information & for that I most humbly apologize for any confusion I may have caused anyone. In the spirit of full disclosure, as a second generation (I can’t vouch for anything before that and am not going to research the Bergstein/Labowitch/Goldstick/Dryfus family voting records…but have at it) Democrat, I happily voted to keep Republican Dick Riordan in office as mayor when I lived in LA.

Mikey (the other one)
Mikey (the other one)
9 years ago


How much time exactly do you have on your hands? Just go out and say it, you don’t like Lindsey. Just say it. Stop trying to play referee. I don’t even know why we are talking about party preference in a non-partisan election. Perhaps we should talk about Lauren’s campaign manager. He’s a republican. Does that mean Lauren is one too? I just think this conversation is so irrelevant.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

Ms. Horvath came to my door this evening campaigning. Very impressive in person. I asked a number of questions (including about her youthful Republican persona), which she answered to my satisfaction. I am impressed that she bounced back from her loss four years ago by getting back into civic life. Whatever happens in this election, I think she has a strong future.

9 years ago
Reply to  Chris Sanger

Chris is obviously a friend/supporter of Miss Horvath. I don’t buy for a minute that she was not an avid supporter of George Bush in both his successful presidential campaigns. Congratulations Lindsay! You are one go getter!

9 years ago

Sorry, LatinaFeminist, I’m sure you just didn’t know. I’m not saying Lindsey’s past politics are particularly relevant, especially in WeHo, but the facts are the facts. A google search will show a lot more than the one link I provided.

It might be a bit hilarious and idiotic, but it’s not gossip. You can’t ask for more than hearing it directly from Lindsey in her own words, which is why I selected that link..

9 years ago

Just to set the facts straight, Rob, I would suggest you revise your following comments about Lindsey Horvath. Rob Bergstein Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 5:04 pm Ok, how about for this election cycle that we all agree to stick to the facts…the real ones, not made up ones. What a concept, right? 1. Hey Mr. Ambiguousbodywork how about not hiding behind a made up name & letting everyone know who you are…. but I digress.
 Lindsey Horvath never worked on any of the Bush campaigns & while whom one votes for is a private matter, Lindsey never voted for… Read more »

mike dunn
9 years ago

So you saying being a female is more important than being the MOST qualified candidate.

9 years ago

Let’s not start spreading HILARIOUS but IDIOTIC gossip about Lindsey Horvath being involved with the George Bush campaign. Lindsey Horvath is a dedicated and tireless supporter of women rights, whose exceptional activism and leadership is reflected from her endless advocacy work in LA from the testing of rape kits, One Billion Rising, VDAY & all other issues she’s been dedicated to for the progress of women in West Hollywood! Any and everyone who DOESN’T get the importance of having a female on a city council seat- YOUR IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY OVERWHELMS ME ESPECIALLY IN 2015! #VOTELINDSEYHORVATH