Mayor D’Amico Makes Lauren Meister His Second City Council Race Endorsement


Mayor John D’Amico has endorsed Lauren Meister as a candidate in the March 3 election for West Hollywood City Council.

John D'Amico and Lauren Meister
John D’Amico and Lauren Meister

D’Amico’s endorsement, announced today, comes on the heels of his endorsement yesterday of Joe Guardarrama, another of the 12 candidates running for the three open seats.

“Lauren Meister belongs on the West Hollywood City Council,” D’Amico said in an email announcing his endorsement. “After many years of service to the community, Lauren Meister has earned her place on our Council dais. She was a terrific Planning Commissioner and Public Safety Commissioner and will be a reliable partner for us on the City Council. West Hollywood needs Lauren Meister to help us make sure that our development appetite does not consume us.”

Meister is the former president of the West Hollywood West Residents Association (WHWRA) and has been an outspoken opponent of projects such as that at 8899 Beverly Blvd., where the developer is seeking the city’s permission to nearly double the size of a building that already is larger than allowed under current zoning laws.

“There are many developer forces that are lining up to try to keep a strong voice like Lauren Meister off the City Council,” D’Amico said. “These forces are afraid of the smart-thinking, neighborhood-protection that Lauren will bring, afraid that her voice will be too loud, and that her vision represents the community too well. You and I both know differently: that Lauren Meister will be a reliable partner for us in matters of development, transparency and communicating with the community. That is why I am endorsing her.”

With his endorsement of Meister, D’Amico has put together a roster of three candidates for the three open seats, with himself one of them. He is unlikely to endorse incumbent Councilmember John Heilman, with whom he has a fraught relationship. And D’Amico told Larry Block, another candidate, that he would not endorse him.


D’Amico’s refusal to endorse him led Block to speak out against the mayor at last night’s City Council meeting. Block complained that D’Amico’s campaign manager, Renee Nahum, also is making telephone calls on behalf of Guardarrama, which Block described as “collusion.” At the meeting. “Who wants a bunch of planning commissioner buddies on the city council anyway?” Block said. That was a reference to the fact that D’Amico, Guardarrama and Meister have all served on the city’s Planning Commission. In fact, D’Amico sparked controversy after he was elected to the Council for the first time in 2011 and removed Meister from the Planning Commission. He replaced her with John Altshul, a long time Planning Commission member who, D’Amico explained, had agreed to support his candidacy for City Council.

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9 years ago

Larry Block sent out a mailer these past few days giving the strong impression that D’Amico has endorsed him for City Council. This is an ABSOLUTE falsehood and Block knows it.

Brian Holt
Brian Holt
10 years ago

@Larry Block: did D’Amico really verbally insult you as you said? Please tell me more. I’m beginning to see a more clearer portrait of a person I wouldn’t give my vote to. How they operate off the Dais matters to me as much as while operating from.

Mike Dolan
Mike Dolan
10 years ago

Hi Stephanie. Yes we have learned to discuss our opinions face-to-face. When I comment, just so you are clear, it is my opinion only. If my comment is brief; it is because all the detailed information is already on this site by other contributors and I am in full agreement (or disagreement) as this case is. The details you ask for can be found simply be using Wehoville’s ‘search engine’ and type in Lauren Meister. Every opinion, blog, thread and specific details will come up by article. I hope you have read them as they clearly express my agreement to… Read more »

Shawn Thompson
Shawn Thompson
10 years ago

Meister also has my vote. Past all the back story and planning commission chess games. She has shown a desire to serve, Has reached deep into the community with out reach and holds the same values I do about what West Hollywood leadership should be about. Shes sported Protect Plummer Park from day one. I think her calls for parking ticket, and park costs reductions for the the residents in long over due And also her calling out the city for treating parking on our streets as a revenue source versus a service to the community is the strongest any… Read more »

mike dunn
mike dunn
10 years ago
Reply to  Shawn Thompson

Receive a campaign post card from Ms. Meister. She’s a one issue candidate, two sided, one issue. Lindsey hasn’t inpressed me either. Let’s elect the most qualified, not a token female

Shawn Thompson
Shawn Thompson
10 years ago

John has my Vote past all the political back stabbing and who said what :: He has been an advocate for: 1.The protection of Plummer Park natural green space and historic buildings 2.Disclosed his campaign contributions on his own at Council Before Votes to call for more transparency. A set a strong example to to other council member’s to so as well by doing this. 3.Been accessible and as resident if I had concerns and quickly followed up 4.Worked at ways to reduce rush hour traffic flow by bring forward a item to place intersection officers at main corners in… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Shawn Thompson

I did not know he did all those things. Thanks Shawn

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
10 years ago

To pipe in hear – based on talking to her and seeing her in action, my sense is that she represents a small part of the city – the newly moved wealthy who refuse to accept the reality that we are at the epicenter of a vast metropolitan area, and is resistant to the successful middle level ot development that has overall been an asset to the city. She seems to be too simplistically knee-jerk in her reaction to projects. Her voice is valuable, but any member of the council represents 1/3 of the majority. The city has also thrived… Read more »

10 years ago

@Mike Dolan-you and I have had our differences of opinion, but we learned to discuss things. So, in the interest of looking at both sides, I ask you to give details on how you think “D’Amico and Meister will destroy what 30 years has built” ? Specifically, what will they do that will cause WeHo to no longer be “World recognized, visited, iconic…”?

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
10 years ago

Oh please ambioguous (whose homophobia is unambiguous), the city is not heading to be the gay Las Vegas. The hotel development as well as other projects are clearly heterogenic in nature. One of John D’Amico’s big charges against John Heilman and Abbe Land 4 years ago was that they were pursuing an anti-gay image for the city campaign. We have common sense leadership at the moment, with a mixed development plan – with some rejected and nearly all modified. My concern is that Lauren Meister is going to be a negative force and try to tilt things too much to… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Chris Sanger

West Hollywood is basically on it’s way to becoming an over developed piece of property. The radios of the city is very small and I could be wrong but I believe it is one of, if not the smallest city in the Los Angeles area. It was an unincorporated part of Los Angeles until a group of bored gay lawyers decided to rally the community and petition that West Hollywood become a (openly gay) city. It was already known for a place gay people lived prior to cityhood. It was way better back then if you ask me. I moved… Read more »

Very Concerned Citizen
Very Concerned Citizen
10 years ago

@ Mike Dolan what are you smoking and why aren’t you sharing?

Stop the Hate D'Amico
Stop the Hate D'Amico
10 years ago

A friend of mine said to me yesterday, John D’Amico is the new Steve Martin. I am sad to see D’Amico endorse Steve Martin and the log cabins candidate Lauren Meister. Sadder to see Joe Guardarrama decision to team up with these two. The saddest, we all stuck our necks out for D’Amico four years ago and he has become what we ran against (noted, his deputy has alienated most of us that were once his closest freinds).

Mike Dolan
Mike Dolan
10 years ago

D’Amico and Meister will destroy what 30 years has built. World recognized, visited, iconic, the best Social Services second to no other city, WHCHC, trust to strengthen and build affordable housing and inclusionary housing for very-low, low and moderate. D’Amico is arrogant, self-serving and has many time not taken the collective city’s best interest but has acquiesced to special interest and try to be all things to all people. Meister is simply about ‘NO’ on anything. Stuck in the past, resistant to any change. I find her to be divisive, and really no real long-term experience that will benefit all… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Mike Dolan

West Hollywood is way over developed and that needs to be stalled. Some development is necessary of course but the idea that West Hollywood needs to be the gay Las Vegas is not practical when you consider the density of the city in term of the street traffic etc….. Common sense is needed at city hall which is why Lauren Meister is running and will with any luck prevail other wise things are gonna get REALLY crowded and congested in West Hollywood which was once known as the creative city.

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
10 years ago

I have long endorsed John D’Amico. Lauren Meister and Larry Block, in that order, for the 2015 election. I think they are the perfect mix. I base my opinion not only on knowing them personally, but on my familiarity with their long time community involvement, their desire to make West Hollywood more livable for everyone. I don’t think most people know that Larry Block has for a long time attended most City Commission, Board meetings to keep learning about the internal workings of the city, who is at the helm. Larry never hesitates to engage in chit-chat about City issues… Read more »