Chamber PAC Endorses Heilman, Horvath and Guardarrama for WeHo Council


The West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce’s Political Action Committee (WeHo PAC) has endorsed incumbent John Heilman and challengers Lindsey Horvath and Joe Guardarrama for election to the West Hollywood City Council.

weho pac logo - 2All candidates were asked the same five questions in the private PAC interviews conducted this past December. In a press release announcing the endorsement, the PAC said the questions were as follow:
1) If you were elected to the West Hollywood City Council, what would your priorities be for the next four years? 2) What do you think are the top three issues facing the City now, and what type of strategy would you implement to resolve them?
3) Are there any revisions to the zoning and municipal code or general plan that you would propose if elected to Council, and how would you implement these changes and strategies behind it?
4) Processing applications for development projects and CUP/MCUPs in West Hollywood are often delayed an inordinate amount of time and can be very costly. What initiatives would you support to help streamline and reduce the cost of the City’s application process for businesses large and small?
5) How do you view the role of the Chamber in the City of West Hollywood, and what efforts would you make to improve the City and community’s collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce?

Heilman, Horvath and Guardarrama are among 12 candidates running for three seats on the Council in the March 3 election. The PAC did not endorse the other incumbent, Mayor John D’Amico, whose push for a ban on the sale of fur apparel in West Hollywood has upset some members of the business community.

In addition to announcing its public support, the PAC raises money to promote the candidacies of those it endorses.

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Rudolf Martin
Rudolf Martin
10 years ago

Got it, Mike,… I don’t upset you. Glad to hear. Really.

There is nothing negative about the truth. It will set you free.

Mike Dolan
Mike Dolan
10 years ago

@Rudolf-I do not reply to threads but you seem to love this. For this time, I am amazed that you have the ability to assess someone emotions, inflection, facial expression… For the record–You don’t upset me you don’t impact me based on my opinion one-way or the other. Really, you or for that matter anyone, thinks they have an ability to reach out and see through the medium and register feeling is just not so.

When I write it is my opinion and I will not reply to anyone’s negativity at my comments.

Thanks for understanding.

Yuval Kremer
10 years ago

This was a ridiculous reason to not give somebody an endorsement…having compassion for animals: “The PAC did not endorse the other incumbent, Mayor John D’Amico, whose push for a ban on the sale of fur apparel in West Hollywood has upset some members of the business community.” Also, I would be wary of those endorsed by ANY Chamber of Commerce. I’ve dealt with some pretty heinous folks from other chambers of commerce, and I would worry that any candidate endorsed by a chamber of commerce will favor ALL Big Development, ALL alcohol licenses, nuisance businesses, Billboard Companies. It’s a HUGE… Read more »

Shawn Thompson
Shawn Thompson
10 years ago

I Hope that one day PACS will be removed from our politics on all levels of our elections. Its not what democracy is intended to be. And the citizens united case was a sad direction in the idea of one person one vote

Rudolf Martin
Rudolf Martin
10 years ago

Ok, I really don’t know how else to say it: the link I posted is her own take on the subject, not “a so-called journalist words”, and not my “argument”. Sorry it upset you, Mike and Mikey. Let’s move on.

I would like to know a little more about Joe Guardarrama and his take on local issues as well, but those questions Sheila asked of him definitely have to be answered.

Mikey (the other one)
Mikey (the other one)
10 years ago


You’re changing your argument to suit your needs. All I said was Lindsey isn’t a Republican anymore and she never worked for him. You and Sheila have some sick infatuation of bringing it up. Move on from the subject.

Also, why do you feel the need to tie Lindsey to John Heilman always? I’m not voting for the man, but I’m confused by all you Lauren lovers are obsessed with your narrative that Heilman and Horvath are the same person.

Lets make this clear, I’m voting Lauren, Lindsey and D’Amico.

10 years ago

An endorsement from the WeHo PAC can and does cut both ways. I’m just saying.

Meister the Monster? Really? Besides, would we really be best served by a council of ultra-liberals? I think not. Fiscally conservative with a progressive social agenda speaks my language. Bleeding heart liberals with no sense of fiscal priorities make me gag. And cold blooded, closed minded conservatives make my blood boil. Balance is power.

10 years ago

Seems like an appropriate time to, again, ask Joe Guardarrama these questions which he hasn’t yet answered. Context: When Joe resigned as Lindsay Horvath’s appointee on the Planning Commission at the PC meeting on March 4, 2011, he said, “I have resigned from the PC effective tomorrow because I’ve taken a job practicing law that is not compatible with this particular appointment.” I’m assuming that means the type of legal work he’d be doing for his new law firm would create a conflict of interest. Questions: (1) Why did you consider the law you practice incompatible with your past position… Read more »

A Resident Who Votes
10 years ago

There have been a couple of recent studies that prove small businesses need older buildings to get started and to thrive. A Chamber or Council or candidate that heavily supports the demo of older buildings so new, higher rent developments can be built – is anti-small business.

Mike Dolan
Mike Dolan
10 years ago

Correction Rudolf, you shared a so-called journalist words. Have you spoken to her. She is the most honest, approachable person. It is unethical to accuse someone of changing her mind (a great one at that) or writing when it never happened. Have you called her? Have you asked to meet her. I suspect not.

Rudolf Martin
Rudolf Martin
10 years ago

For the record, I will vote on the local issues, certainly not on mistakes made (or not made) back in college. But, if anything, it would be a sign of maturity if she had openly written about changing her mind about a candidate she no longer supports. I think she should just own this subject instead of deflect or deny. I’m much more interested in her position on Plummer Park and how/if it differs from John Heilman’s position.

Rudolf Martin
Rudolf Martin
10 years ago

Mikey,…talk about irrational, you are having a fascinatingly heated argument with yourself.

All I did was share HER OWN words on this subject matter (from 2004, she seems to deny any affiliation “with that person” now).

All opinions and accusations you assign to me are merely in your mind.