A Virtual Tour of the New West Hollywood Park


The redevelopment of West Hollywood Park isn’t expected to be completed until the Spring or Summer of 2018. But if you want to really explore the newly designed park before then, take a look at this video that provides a virtual tour of what LPA Inc., the Irvine architectural design firm, is planning. The design was approved by the West Hollywood City Council on Monday, with suggestions for a few minor tweaks, including making the staircase less austere.

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Ben McCormick
Ben McCormick
9 years ago

Amazing and, sadly, not surprising that this video of our new WeHo park focuses exclusively on this new grand behemoth of a building and not on the park itself. Aren’t parks supposed to be grass and trees, shade and light, fields for playing, fields for relaxing . . . in a word, nature? But it’s OK The people in charge have decided that we need a bigger building, a bigger pool, indoor basketball courts, a pretty drop-off area for people who drive into the park in their cars, and that staircase (I’ve never been sure of the reasoning behind the… Read more »

9 years ago

I hate it. Leave well enough alone. West Hollywood Park is good enough. Spend the money on education!!

Fabian silva
Fabian silva
10 years ago

Trees trees trees!! Look at the Highline in Manhattan.

luca d
luca d
10 years ago

..oh god, is that guitarist going to be there everyday, i’m depressed.
not sure what the heck i’m looking at. i agree, too much structure and staircase, how about a tree?

Christopher Roth
Christopher Roth
10 years ago

Looks like a giant furnace. I really just cannot get over how much this is going to cost. Most everything I’ve seen here is already available for use in the current park or could easily be added. Did I not see a lawn with a band shell for concerts and community celebrations? It wouls be nice. If not here maybe at Plummer Park?

10 years ago

I certainly hope they will consider an escalator as part of this grand staircase. Have you ever tried to use the elevators in the library parking garage in the evening? Its ridiculous how long you have to wait. Tons of people cram in until the alarm goes off due to weight. It’s really very inefficient dangerous. I think its something we can splurge on. If we’re going to build it..make it possible for everyone to use.

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
10 years ago

* THEY (sticky keys 🙂

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
10 years ago

No trees? Guess the left out the dog park again

10 years ago

Too many buildings. It doesn’t look like a park.

10 years ago

Christopher, there is an elevator. The building will be ADA compliant (as is the Library).

Guy Privaton (@guyprivaton)

Fancy Shmancy

10 years ago

It looks wonderful, though more like an industrial park than a traditional park, and that grand staircase will prove a challenge to the elderly among others. As it is now, the staircase from street level to the library can cause vertigo! It will be interesting to see how this design accommodates the Gay Pride fair.