Today is the Deadline for Mail-In Ballots for WeHo City Council Election

West Hollywood City Council election precinct map
West Hollywood City Council election precinct map

Today is the last day to drop your ballots in the mail for the West Hollywood City Council election. There are 12 candidates on the ballot for three Council seats.

Residents who choose not to vote by mail can go to the polling places on Tuesday, which are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Detailed election information is available online, and residents can find their polling places online as well.

West Hollywood is providing free transportation to polling places on Tuesday. Residents may request a ride by calling West Hollywood Dial-A-Ride at (800) 447-2189 at any time until 5 p.m. on Tuesday to reserve a trip. In addition, West Hollywood Cityline, the city’s free local shuttle, stops at many of the city’s polling places. Its stops also are available online.

The city will post unofficial election results during election night on its website and through Twitter @wehocity. WehoTV will broadcast election night coverage on the city’s WehoTV channels — on Time Warner Cable within West Hollywood on channel 10 and on AT&T U-verse across Southern California on channel 99. WehoTV coverage will be streamed online, as well.

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