Rosewood Elementary Teacher Arrested on Suspicion of Child Abuse

Rosewood Elementary School
Rosewood Elementary School

A fourth-grade teacher at Rosewood Elementary School near West Hollywood was in custody today on suspicion of child abuse.

Thelmo Garcia, 37, was arrested off campus on Wednesday, but details of his alleged crimes were not immediately released. Rosewood Elementary is located at 503 N. Croft Ave. between Rosewood and Clinton avenues.
Garcia, who was being held on $100,000 bail, was removed from the Rosewood campus in February, said Ellen Morgan of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

“We take these allegations very seriously,” Morgan said in a statement. “The (school) district is fully cooperating with the LAPD investigation. Crisis intervention counselors are at the school today for any students who might be affected by the arrest. The safety of students is L.A. Unified’s highest priority.”

A police spokesperson declined comment on the case.

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