WeHo Mayor Horvath is Welcomed with an Angry Tirade


And you thought serving as Mayor of West Hollywood was easy? Mayor John D’Amico handed over the gavel to Lindsey Horvath at the City Council meeting last night. While Horvath presided over the usual array of comments from the usual array of commenters, she also had to deal with one of those occasional outbursts that violate the city’s code of conduct for Council meeting attendees and leaves those in the audience shaking their heads. In this case it was a loud rant by Nir Zilberman, a local clothing retailer who has promoted himself lately as the founder of Home, which he bills as the first “for profit” LGBT Center, located in his former store at 7990 Santa Monica Blvd. near North Laurel. (Warning: the language is not suitable for children).

Zilberman’s tirade apparently was over the refusal of city staffers to let him place frightening photos of concentration camp victims in the lobby of City Hall in recognition of YomHaShoah, otherwise known as Holocaust Rembrance Day. While a Sheriff’s deputy kept a close eye on his screaming fit, Zilberman eventually left the City Council Chambers on his own.

Lindsey Horvath, welcome to the West Hollywood City Council!

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9 years ago


David Reid
9 years ago

Hard to equate Love with Anger.

9 years ago

thanks, tom.
the city manager, Paul will help me with that.
yes, i got a voice but a little boy heart.
people must see our world, our city the way it is.
yes, we always talk about the great thing in WEHO, but a lot need to be change to become, ONE CITY. ONE PEOPLE. again, thanks tom.

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
9 years ago

Hello Nir,

I believe you have good intentions and you are obviously very passionate but you did appear quite angry. Also, your message and delivery was very scrambled.

Perhaps you can work with someone to help you hone these issues.

Best of luck!

9 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, i would love to know what you do about love in WEHO?
i will never stop till we become one city. one people.
mad? angry? no, it’s PAIN.
i’m a proud gay man and wish to see more ( crazy) people like me.
look at our world, just like WWII no one does nothing.
the hate is here too. stop pretending like we are amazing city, it’s lot’s to be done.
and yes let’s just become just like the city of BELL.

9 years ago

They should not have been thanking you for the rude, obnoxious behavior you demonstrated at our City Council meeting. YOU OWED THEM an apology (actually you owe everyone that was in attendance that night an apology). You’re fifty cents short of a dollar.

9 years ago

There is no love in a madman carrying on, dancing around the front, screaming obscenities, walking up the aisle. F*C* this city. People were shaking from his anger. People called out of concern for his mental health. He should have been escorted from the audience. His love no hate is all B.S. for his empty store. Check it out.. buy a tee shirt while you look at his store display. He showed his true colors. He is all ego. Quit trying to use a 70 year old holocaust to cover up your incredibly disgusting behavior. Check into a mental hospital.

9 years ago

thank you , tom smart.
Come visit what my team and i is doing and being for all people, all colors, all genders, all ages. yes, free speech? downside? learn the fact about my LGBT / HOME first. and again thanks our new mayor for thanking me, our city manger for all your support. LOVE come with lots of pain. im not here for my ego, im here to show the world we can not forget our history.
ask your grandma how was to live in WWII?

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
9 years ago

The downside of free speech.

9 years ago

Like always the media love the drama. the good news the city manager and so many people including our new mayor thanks me . yes, the city did let me put my display, it was amazing. thanks to our city manager. so please learn the fact before you publish them. my display was there for 2 days to show respect to millions of children, women and men, all color, all religion, all genders. so please my “home”. is an amazing place. each one of our council member inc. linsey came to visit us. we support the facts in our history… Read more »

Joan Henehan
Joan Henehan
9 years ago

West Hollywood is nothing if not a colorful community, there’s no doubt about it.

9 years ago

I witnessed this speaker’s behavior while watching the council meeting online. He should have been removed from the meeting. I don’t care how passionate you are about any particular issue. There is a right way and and a wrong way to address our local government body and he was extremely disrespectful and out of line. His behavior made him look ridiculous and over shadowed his cause. By letting him “run his course” it let others think they can get away with the same behavior. He should have been removed promptly.