Latest WeHo Council Campaign Reports Shows Shink in Lead


campaign donation money
Heidi Shink leads the other three candidates in contributions for the June 2 election for West Hollywood City Council.

According to campaign disclosure statements for the period ending April 18, Shink raised $32,099. With her loan to her campaign of $10,200, her total funding was $42,299. Shink appears to be in the best cash position, with $28,954 in her campaign account. Her unpaid debt, including her loan to herself, is $12,602.

In the No. 2 position is John Heilman, who has raised $18,174. With his loan to his campaign of $10,100, his total is $28,274. Heilman also will benefit from $40,012 raised by an independent expenditure committee funded primarily by real estate interests to promote his candidacy. As of April 18, Heilman had $9,907 remaining in his campaign account with an outstanding debt of $10,100, the amount of his loan.

Coming in third is Cole Ettman, who reported contributions of $15,467. Ettman also has on the books loans to himself of $50,000, bringing his total funding to $65,467. As of April 18, Ettman had $51,144 remaining in his campaign account with unpaid bills of $52,904, which includes his $50,000 loan to himself.

Larry Block ranks fourth, with contributions of $3,198 and a loan to himself of $10,000, for a total of $13,198. As of April 18 he had $8,971 remaining in his campaign account and outstanding debt of $10,000, the amount of his loan to himself.

Prominent names on Shink’s list of donors include WeHo City Councilmember John D’Amico ($500), D’Amico’s husband, Keith Rand ($500), and L.A. County Assessor and former WeHo Councilmember Jeffrey Prang ($250).


Heilman’s list of donors includes well-known figures such as state Assemblymember Richard Bloom, whose district includes West Hollywood ($500); Robin Conerly, executive director of the West Hollywood Community Housing Corp. ($500); Craig Thompson, executive director of AIDS Project Los Angeles ($500); WeHo Councilmember John Duran ($250), and Lori Jean, CEO of the L.A. LGBT Center ($100).

Shink and Heilman each received a contribution of $500 from Demetri Darmos, developer of a project at 826 Kings Rd. whose approval by the city Planning Commission is being appealed by residents of the neighborhood at the City Council’s May 4 meeting. Shink, a member of the Planning Commission, voted for the project, but she recently told WEHOville that she no longer supports it. A representative of Shink’s campaign said she returned Darmos’s contribution.

Ettman’s donors include a number of lawyers (he is the manager of a Beverly Hills law firm) and Steve Martin, the former West Hollywood City Council member, ($100).

WEHOville will analyze the donations and publish a more detailed report in the near future.

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9 years ago

Great comment Larry!

Guy Privaton (@guyprivaton)

good reporting, hank!

i wish we could see polls too

9 years ago

This is true, but if you count the IE mentioned in this article –

Heilman has a lot more money behind him.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

Allison – you never responded earlier, so I also assume that you think Ted Kennedy should have retired after 30 years, which to me is ridiculous. If someone is doing a good job and i the best candidate, why would any smart person use the length of someone’s service as a reason to discard him? What kind of work do you do? Would you like it if after 30 years, and doing a good job, someone said, out with you, you are no longer needed? Same thing here. If you think there are better candidates (good luck making that case… Read more »

Rob Bergstein
Rob Bergstein
9 years ago

Hank, I think your headline meant that Heidi is in the lead financially, not in number of voters who have committed to vote for her. Best of my knowledge, there haven’t been any polls run yet….

Staff Report
9 years ago
Reply to  Rob Bergstein

That is what the story means. It is referencing campaign finance reports

9 years ago

@Bob B. Heilman’s independent committee was mentioned in the article.
@Chris Sanger Of course his storefront is on the west side. He destroyed the east side. I got a call from one of his volunteers. I told him I wouldn’t ever consider voting to put him back on the Council. He’s had his time. Time for somebody new.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

Actually, John Heilman has a storefront on the 9000 block of Melrose. And I was visited by one of his volunteers at my home.

Bob B.
Bob B.
9 years ago

Let’s not forget about the “WeHo United for John Heilman for City Council 2015″ independent expenditure committee that’s raised $40,012 as of April 14th. Though thankfully that money won’t be able to be coordinated with Heilman’s campaign efforts.

Larry Block
Larry Block
9 years ago

Thanks Hank for your great reporting. Money buys visibility and staff to create that visibility. I’m glad to say that we are the only campaign with a storefront and have more visabilty than all the other campaigns along with remendous momentum from the March 3rd race when we got over 1000 votes. Our staff of about 20 volunteers does the legwork of other ‘paid staff’. We have all the money we need to run a great campaign and our mailers will hit the mailboxes 3-4 times. The only endorsement I need is yours and I won’t owe anybody anything except… Read more »