Boystown Assault Victim Kirk Doffing Remains in Coma

Kirk Doffing
Kirk Doffing

A man whose assault in WeHo’s Boystown on Sunday night sent him to the hospital has been identified as Kirk Doffing, a resident of North San Vicente Boulevard in West Hollywood.

Capt. Gary Honings of the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station told the West Hollywood City Council tonight that Doffing is in a medically induced coma at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Doffing was assaulted around 9 p.m. near the intersection of Santa Monica and San Vicente boulevards by one of a group of three to four Hispanic men, Honings said. Honings said one of the men was wearing a trench coat, unusual attire for a warm night out in West Hollywood and distinctive enough that some people out that night might have information about the assailant. The assault of Doffing on Sunday was one of two and possibly three incidents in the area, where residents have complained about others in the past few months.

Honings asked that anyone with information about the assailants contact the Sheriff’s Station’s watch commander and Detective Berbiar at (310) 855-8850.

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Miss elliot
Miss elliot
9 years ago

I’d like to have a March down Santa Monica blvd in memory of all the victims of crime in west Hollywood. Need help. Miss Elliot 323 384 2492

9 years ago

There is more PARKING Enforcement than Law Enforcement in WEHO!

James Wright
James Wright
9 years ago

Don’t get it to banks on each corner, and sheriff station on the other, and no video tape?????Sounds like it’s time to update the stuff and put cameras up now. Or put them above the parking lights on the streets. Up high, and good cameras, that can zoom in.

Brian Clark
Brian Clark
9 years ago

I have had a similar experience on Larrabee about 10 days ago. I was scouting the neighborhood to see how quiet it is, as my partner and I intend to move to Norma Triangle. I was in my car parked on the side of the road on Larrabee and Cynthia when a late model corolla pulled up next to me and a young 20 something latin/african american man got out and pulled on my window (which I was already rolling up). Fortunately, my dog (nice to have a pit mix sometimes) was in the car with me and lunged at… Read more »

9 years ago

Swaying off this particular subject, I want to know WHY THERE ARE IS NO POLICE PRESENCE BETWEEN 1:30am-6am???!!! Living on Palm for over twenty years, I constantly hear fights, loud drunks or vandalism going on EVERY WEEKEND, yet there are NO patrol cars ever present! I have made several calls to the sheriff’s department, and they “check-it out” 20 minutes later (after the culprits have disbanded and vanished). Useless! If there were a police presence when the bars close, they would be able to keep the noise down, arrest violators, arrest drunks in public, arrest drunk people attempting to get… Read more »

9 years ago

Well this is what happens when the city is no longer driven by the lgbt community. You have non-gay theme nights like the hip hop clubs that invite an intolerate element into our area. You have new construction at outrageous prices that is transforming our community into a wealthy straight Beverly Hills suburb…and criminals take note. You have inadequate street lighting & no cameras. And more importantly a new attitude in the people that live here. At 9pm I find it hard to believe no one saw a thing. But certainly no one did a thing to prevent it or… Read more »

9 years ago

If the stories here are true about the Sheriff’s reluctance to take police reports for these assaults, then it sounds to me like the Sheriff’s Department is engaged in a deliberate scheme to manipulate the crime rate in WeHo to make themselves and the City look better.

Larrabee Grouch
Larrabee Grouch
9 years ago

How could this have happened at an extremely busy intersection at a peak hour and day? It makes no sense.

It’s scary how incompetent the West Hollywood Sheriffs are. For a city as expensive as West Hollywood we deserve better! Our neighboring cities, including the city of LA’s LAPD, is much better and more accountable. The attitude of the weho sheriff is horrific

9 years ago

I believe this and many other assaults including a stabbing on palm a few months ago where not at one time did the group of men believe to be gang members try and rob the victims. There has been reports of assaults all with the same discription of men, attacking patrons leaving the bars walking home. I no longer feel safe in my own neighbor and for these thugs to be so brazen to do it so close to the police department goes to show that we need to step up security. Is this the same incident that happened on… Read more »

9 years ago

Hard to trust LACSD, especially when they are killing us and getting away with it. What happened to the Guardian Angeles? Maybe WeHo could use someone like them to establish actual security, instead of what LACSD provides….

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

This incident was a prioritized issue at the CC meeting last night, initiated by Mayor Horvath. Capt Honings did add that both in this incident and the other robbery nearby witnesses on questioning saw no evidence of any “hate” elements (anti-gay slurs or similar) after questioning witnesses who saw the incidents close up (makes the injury no less serious of course, but best to tone down side issues if no evidence of them.)

9 years ago

There are volunteering opportunities at the Weho Sherrif’s Dept. I would encourage more of us to get involved. By getting involved, you can make a difference.

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