With Term Limits, How Many More Years Does Heilman Have in Office?


How many more years can John Heilman serve on the West Hollywood City Council? The 30-year incumbent, one of the founders of the city in 1984, lost his bid for re-election on March 3. One of the arguments against his re-election was that the Council needed new blood.

West Hollywood, term limits, city councilHowever last night Heilman won a special election to fill the remaining two years of Jeffrey Prang’s term of office. Prang stepped down in December to take his position as L.A. County Assessor.

Term limits were enacted in 2013 in a referendum promoted by residents unhappy about the lengthy terms of Council members. Now anyone elected to the Council after that is limited to three terms of a maximum of four years each.

So, given that Heilman will be filling the remaining two years of Prang’s term, does he get a pass to run again for three additional four-year terms? The answer from City Hall is “no.” If Heilman wants to run again, and wins, in 2017, he also can run again in 2021. That would give him a total of 40 years on the City Council.

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9 years ago

Also, I must say this Karen O’Keefe thank you for realizing NIMBYISM. Most of those who stand for that make excuses about environmental impact to zoning ordinaces to distress on roads to possible street and traffic obstructions. The west has the least change and all the neighborhoods belong to us as well, as other West Hollywood residents. Please have West Hollywood Properties advertise who they are instead of hiding behind a cloak called NIMBY. Please Shut Up and go in your homes as biased and selfish residents. Karen has intelligence and spoke from her heart and not for her home… Read more »

9 years ago

I am sorry mr. Martin I do not feel your omission from west Hollywood properties mailers stands ground to attack heilman. I am a renter and live on the west holywood east but I cannot seem to enter or go to closed sessions of elected officials endorsed events by them (most of whom are home owners and don’t care about renters) and Jeanne Dorbin and interrupts everyone and gets a pass for being hostile and acerbic towards other residents who don’t shre her views, all because she is an elder? She is a Bully! I am disgusted with how people… Read more »

9 years ago

Furthermore Steve Martindid and currently goes to Beverly hills Hilton and Heidi Shink goes to bel air to raise funds for west Hollywood offices at cher’s house. Both of you move please move out of town along With Jeanne Dorbin—-please! Heidi and Cole live in New York and then West Holywood for opportunities but get a greyhound bus ticket back to ethics violationville.

9 years ago

I am sorry mr. Martin I do not feel your omission from west Hollywood properties mailers stands ground to attack heilman. I am a renter and live on the west holywood east but I cannot seem to enter or go to closed sessions of elected officials endorsed events by them (most of whom are home owners and don’t care about renters) and Jeanne Dorbin interrupts everyone and gets a pass for being hostile and acerbic towards other residents who don’t shre her views, all because she is an elder? She is a Bully! I am disgusted with how people like… Read more »

David Reid
David Reid
9 years ago

In such a hotly contested race why only 17% or the REGISTERED West Hollywood voters decided the outcome leaves one gobsmacked

Rob Bergstein
Rob Bergstein
9 years ago

As I said when term limits were passed–we have 12 years to overturn that law. Term limits for California legislatures have been catastrophically bad–someone gets into office, really learns how the nuts & bolts/budgeting works and then two terms later, they’re out & the whole process starts again.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

On the original question – U.S. presidents actually can serve 10, not 8, years, if the 1st 2 years occur before the initial election. Lyndon Johnson could have run in 1968 despite having serves 5+ years, but Gerald Ford could not have run in 1980 had he been elected in 1976 since he had initially served over 2 years. That’s why the question of Heilman’s new sub-2 year term came up as a relevant issue. Clearly West Hollywood voters are schizophrenic over term limits. They reelected Prang and Duran while approving the measure, and I doubt many voters didn’t realize… Read more »

Karen O'Keefe
Karen O'Keefe
9 years ago

I was one of the people that gave money to Heilman’s June campaign. I believe that was the first City Council race I ever donated to. One of the reasons he raised so much money — and, more importantly, why he got so many votes — is because he’s an intelligent, sincere, thoughtful public servant with a great deal of integrity and track record. He was instrumental to us creating our city and making it such a fabulous place to live, and one with a heart. Also, many of us feared a council that did not care about affordable housing… Read more »

9 years ago

I will save and cherish my Cole Ettman potholder. He can come cook at my place any day 🙂

9 years ago

@ Chris Sanger….RIGHT ON!

9 years ago

I don’t care who donated to John Heilman’s run for office. I voted for him because I recognize (along with over a thousand others) that he is one of the most level-headed and intelligent people to have served our City. He’s been elected again because the citizens recognize his contributions and leadership. Well done, Mr. Heilman. Thankful you’re back on the council.

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
9 years ago

And Shink and those behind her spent nearly as much. The people knew the issues, assessed the candidates, made a clear choice. They rejected your notion that the city is for sale decisively. But keep on believing that, and the anti-council faction is going to keep losing most of the time. (And Larry Block bless his heart finished ahead or your dubious choice with only a faction of as much money.

Time to move on from the stale cliches. The people have spoken, quite clearly.

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