The leading association of marketing organizations for West Coast cities and states is renaming its major award for the late Brad Burlingame.

The Destination Marketing Association of the West has decided that its Spirit of Leadership Award will henceforth be known as the Brad Burlingame Award. DMA West’s members include more than 145 destination marketing organizations. In 2013 DMA West gave the Spirit of Leadership Award to Burlingame who, until his death in December, was president and CEO of Visit West Hollywood for 18 years
Known locally for his leadership of Visit West Hollywood, which has successfully promoted the city to visitors around the world, Burlingame also had a strong reputation in the destination marketing business. He served six years on the Western Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus (since rebranded as DMA West) and served as its president. He also was former chair of the California Travel Association
Under Burlingame, Visit WeHo has expanded its promotion of West Hollywood as a destination with forays into overseas markets like Australia, Brazil and England. Burlingame has been instrumental in promoting West Hollywood as the “Creative City” and as the young and vibrant center of the affluent west side of Los Angeles County.
Richly deserved! His legacy continues, the bar is set high.