Guest Sues Mondrian, Alleging that Prick Killed His Sex Life


A man is suing West Hollywood’s Mondrian hotel, alleging that one of his fingers was pierced by a hypodermic syringe while he was reaching for his cell phone in a couch in his room.

Amirmansour Solatikia filed the lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court,alleging premises liability and negligence. His wife, Maryam Solatikia, also is a plaintiff and alleges loss of consortium. They are seeking unspecified damages.

The Mondrian Hotel at 8400 Sunset Blvd.
The Mondrian Hotel at 8400 Sunset Blvd.

A Mondrian representative did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

According to the lawsuit, filed Monday, Solatikia was sitting on a couch in his Mondrian hotel room at 8400 Sunset Blvd. on March 12, 2014, when he dropped his cell phone between one arm and a cushion.

“Mr. Solatikia slid his hand in the crevice between the cushion and the arm of the couch and immediately felt the piercing of his finger, causing excruciating pain instantly,” the suit says. “As he jerked his hand back, Mr. Solatikia was horrified to find a hypodermic syringe dangling from his index finger.”

Solatikia says he told the hotel staff what happened and was advised to get medical attention. The plaintiff went to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where he was told he could have been exposed to such diseases as Hepatitis C or HIV, according to the complaint.


As preventive measures, doctors put Solatikia on anti-HIV medication that caused him nausea, dizziness and vomiting, and he was told to be screened for Hepatitis C for up to two years, according to the complaint.

Hotel management refused to release the syringe for testing, causing Solatikia severe anxiety and distress as he worried about potential diseases he might have contracted, the suit alleges.

Solatikia says he also experienced post-traumatic stress disorder worrying that he might have an infectious disease that he could spread to his wife and 3-year-old daughter. Solatikia’s wife, fearing for her own safety, refused to have sex with her husband for a year, requested that he sleep in a separate room and asked that he “keep sufficient distance from their child, thereby further alienating the couple from one another and sowing discord in their relationship,” the suit says.

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Henry P
Henry P
8 years ago

WOW! What a sad story! Poor guy! Thats Hollywood for you!

J Simmons
J Simmons
8 years ago

Despite a gut feeling he contracted severe “Money.Fever” which is possible to get over The Fever if you follow an absolute strict protocol of self isolation. However any human contact can escalate The Fever a bit. But if an infectrd Fever Victim seeks professional help, there is a near 100% Certainty If he enters a professionals offce, he WILL LEAVE WITH A FULLY BLOWN ALL CONSUMING FEVER. I have worked in such offices and seeking help Caused Full Fever. TO BE SAFE, IF YOU EVER GET A REAL POSSIBILITY OF MONEY FEVER KNOW THIS… SETTING FOOT IN AN ATTORNEY’S OFFICE… Read more »

8 years ago

so the prick killed his prick?
seriously, this lawsuit sounds like the hysteria from middle America, circa 1985.
his attorney should be disciplined for bringing such an action.

Rick Watts
Rick Watts
8 years ago

…grammatical construction–if deliberate–was a hoot. (All laughing aside however, I fully understand the plaintiff’s point. (Pun NOT intended.)

Rick Watts
Rick Watts
8 years ago

Agreed, Chris. Seriousness of the matter aside (not to minimize it), the grammatical c

8 years ago

“I know how,” I meant.

8 years ago

‘Solatikia says he also experienced post-traumatic stress disorder worrying that he might have an infectious disease that he could spread to his wife and 3-year-old daughter. Solatikia’s wife, fearing for her own safety, refused to have sex with her husband for a year, requested that he sleep in a separate room and asked that he “keep sufficient distance from their child, thereby further alienating the couple from one another and sowing discord in their relationship,” the suit says.’ … OK, if the hotel failed to give the syringe up for testing, I definitely see some liability. But this last part… Read more »

Chris Sanger
Chris Sanger
8 years ago

It’s not quite Headless Body in Topless Bar level achievement, but that’s a pretty great headline.

8 years ago

Great headline.