In Move Toward Transparency, CSW Releases 2014 Tax Return


2007 Federal Tax Return

CSW 2007

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Jonathan Simmons
Jonathan Simmons
8 years ago

I don’t see any attemt for wehovill to “dreg up” any financial review of our own City of WeHo’s Finances, Speding, transfers on the record and any money passing off the official City Accounting. Hundreds of millions pass though weho city hall, and wehovill is only choosing to dreg up the dirt and point the finger “at a bad guy” over tens of thousands of dollars??

How about the hundreds of millions of city collecting, spending and borroeing again via Bond Issues??

Scott T Imler
Scott T Imler
8 years ago

Please excuse my candor. Year after year at an annual May City Council Meeting our electeds say, “We really care about this and as soon as this year is over, we’re going to seriously engage with CSW to improve next year. My suggestion is start at the beginning and write some ByLaws that wrest control from a self-elected Board of Directors who reserve the legal right to do what every they want — including just call the whole thing off — with no accountability to anyone but themselves. I have worked in in new, old, and in between stages of… Read more »

Dan Morin
Dan Morin
8 years ago

Forgive me but I must add that there are inconsistencies in the sub-headings of some of the sub-pages. Further, the CSW 990 tax filings can be found on the web site GUIDESTAR which is used by many non-profits to post this information. You can access the last two years (2014 and 2013) for free. Anything further back than 2013 involves an unknown fee. The 990 filings have been on Guidestar for who knows how long. CSW’s Chris Classen stated in an open meeting that the 2015 returns should be on Guidestar within the next few weeks, as I recall.

Dan Morin
Dan Morin
8 years ago

The By-Laws were amended in April of 2014 NOT 2015..

Dan Morin
Dan Morin
8 years ago

Uh, oh ! Who wrote these By-Laws ?! They consistently refer to the Principle (sic) Executive Offices as opposed to the correct PRINCIPAL. This error immediately gives me pause for thought.

8 years ago

It’s just not good enough to get these two years later – #TakeBackOurPride