CSW Says It’s Sorry About LA Pride Plans


Faced with threats of demonstrations and a boycott, Christopher Street West (CSW) has announced major changes in the programming and ticket price for the June 10-13 LA Pride parade and festival.

In a letter distributed today, the CSW board said: “We heard you and we are sorry.”

LA_Pride_logo_dropshadow_@2x-e1458785786363“As an LGBTQ community based nonprofit organization, Christopher Street West has strived to create an annual Pride celebration that brings our entire community, friends and allies together in celebration of the unique diversity that makes each of us a valued member of society.

“As a mostly new governing board our goal was to create the best LA Pride experience to date,” the letter states. “As we endeavored to create such an event we have made a few missteps along the way that have left valued members of our community feeling left out or under appreciated. This was never our intention. We’ve heard your concerns and objections and we sincerely apologize.”

CSW has agreed to offer free admission to its Friday event. Originally it had proposed charging $35 at the festival gate. After pressure from community members, CSW had agreed earlier this week to free admission from 6 to 8 p.m. and a $10 charge after that and to give free admission to transgender people, who had complained that CSW was reducing festival programming for their community. Now no one will have to pay to enter the festival on Friday.

CSW also announced some programming changes, responding to complaints that it had reduced programming for transgender people and lesbians. “Friday night on the main stage will continue to be a celebration of women with an all-female lineup and the annual Dyke March. The Trans Social, a new Youth Dance and a Vogue Ball will also remain as a part of Friday’s programming. Several activations and new experiences will be eliminated as a result in order to balance the Friday night budget but the Festival will maintain its stellar list of scheduled performances including Krewella, Faith Evans, Da Brat and María José. ”

CSW said the annual Trans Social event will occur again, staged on the West Hollywood Library lawn on Friday from 6 to 10 p.m.


CSW also said it was cutting the price of tickets purchased in advance beginning May 17 from the previously announced $30 to $25. Last year tickets purchased in advance went for $20, and CSW’s proposed 50% increase spurred opposition from many LGBT community members and groups. Tickets purchased at the gate on Saturday and Sunday will go for $30, a reduction of five dollars from the formerly proposed $35. Discounted weekend passes are available for those wanting to attend every day of the festival. “We are still working with our partners on proving FREE tickets to community members including our Volunteer program which provides a free day General Admission pass for anyone who volunteers for a four hour period,” CSW said.

“As we begin planning for 2017’s LA Pride Festival and Parade, we look forward to engaging the entire community in planning next year’s celebration. ”

CSW also has apparently dropped the term “music festival” from its promotions. Its decision to shift the focus of the festival to a series of music events focused on Millennials, a term used to describe people ages 18 to 34, was especially contentious. Lesbian activist Ivy Bottini addressed CSW’s focus on Millennials in comments at a City Council meeting earlier this month and at a meeting of the CSW board. “That letter was probably the most ageist thing I have heard in this community since I got here in 1975,” she said, referring to a letter that CSW President Chris Classon sent to council members after an opinion piece in WEHOville by Larry Block that made much of the festival controversy public. In his letter, Classon said the festival’s target audience was young people who are best reached through music.

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8 years ago

Dimitri, you might be correct, but we aren’t there yet. I’d rather not push Pride out of West Hollywood, stripping this community of its gay identity even faster.

But because of all of this, it looks like some people are actively trying to move things in that direction:


Dimitri Perparos
8 years ago

Through gentrification, West Hollywood is moving away from being the center for gay culture. With all the new developments (and rents) going up, the percentage of gay residents and gay owned businesses will surely decrease. I think Pride would be better served if it moves downtown and out of the clutches of the new C$W.

8 years ago

To those calling for Classen’s removal, or who think this will happen again, please regard the following statement: “As we begin planning for 2017’s LA Pride Festival and Parade, we look forward to engaging the entire community in planning next year’s celebration. “ — Let’s try to be optimistic, and see if this will indeed be a reality. I also think that we need to be vocal with the City Council, to get their assistance to make this community engagement happen. If the City is going to invest $600K, the community should have a say, and that includes our government.… Read more »

8 years ago

I sure hope they are getting a full accounting of all the finances. Something sounds shady.

8 years ago

Every few years this happens. CSW NEVER LEARNS. They back track when pressured then revert to their bad behavior. Look at the history of the Pride festival over the past decades. As long as they run this event, expect more of the same.

8 years ago

Sorry, but they’ve lost two patrons (my partner and I) for good. We will take our pride and dollars elsewhere. Over the years, CSW and WEHO have reduced what was once a celebratory event (and weekend) into nothing but a big fat money grab. I suggest they look to cities like San Francisco and New York who clearly have their act together and are able to produce successful and enjoyable events year after year without the b#(($&it that goes on every year in WEHO. Its not only ridiculous I find it embarrassing. Given the amount of creativity and artistic minds… Read more »

8 years ago

do not support people they don’t support you, us. I do agree with so many of the comments, we need to take a good look at those who spend our money just to “look good” just to keep the FAKE image of our city, The city that lost her PRIDE. yes, we did. When i see our LGBT sleeping on our streets most living with AIDS, when i see our METH issue is still around, killing our lives and now the heroin is taking over is this PRIDE. This where they money need to go to those who need us… Read more »

Mike Dolan
Mike Dolan
8 years ago

If we have to put up with VIP cabanas then I agree with Manny NO lifting of restricted parking. Rather, lets promote our parking structures at an affordable rate for all.

VIP, how exclusive! We are known to be inclusive; especially at our PRIDE Festival and Parade.

Looking forward, No VIP at our PRIDE.

John K
John K
8 years ago

Fantastic news! Now, how do we get rid of Chris Classen – the one who caused this mess in the first place? RFID wrist bands are a horrific waste of money unless you intend to track and use the data. Now who on the board could possibly have any interest in all that data?

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
8 years ago


8 years ago

As of now, it is still being promoted as a “Music Festival” with all the trappings of a commercial event, convoluted and restrictive pricing plans, VIP cabanas and hours until 1am.

There is no longer any justification for the lifting of permit parking restrictions in surrounding residential neighborhoods.

8 years ago

Christopher I agree completely…. Business owner friends of mine look forward to this event for the whole year! We need to push for that change now too…