LA Pride 2016: Where the Money Came From and Where It Went


CSW Financials 20160628 PAGE NINE. CLICK HERE

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John Fitzgerald Keitel

Dear WEHOville, That’s a lot of money for advertising, especially considering that, as a long time resident who likes to stay current, I had absolutely no idea that the format of Pride changed this year to a music festival Perhaps because the event has become so stale over the past decade, I’ve become accustomed to tuning out all things Pride. But had I known about the change (as well as a free Friday night?!), I might have actually attended. Surely CSW spent some of that advertising largess here on WEHOville. So how did I miss it? As for the optics… Read more »

Todd Bianco
8 years ago

I think it’s important to focus on the expenses, but let’s, for a moment, look at the catastrophic deficit in revenue. Of a projected $2,954,070 of gross revenue, CSW’s actual revenue was $884,735 BELOW estimates. Ouch. Let’s look at just a few line items: Beverage sales – budget: $715,000, actual: $250,000 (a suspiciously even number). Festival online sales – budget: $1,300,000, actual: $698,282. Facility ticket fees (whatever those are) – budget $62,000, actual: zero. While some decline can be attributed to the terror shootings in Orlando, you’d expect that most of your online festival ticket sales would have happened before… Read more »

Don Azars
Don Azars
8 years ago

I may be naive but why aren’t many expenses donated? For example, advertising. IF companies aren’t supportive of “the cause” (ie LGBT issues) then what’s the point? Instead of exploiting they should be donating. As for the “music festival” concept, it seemed to be ill conceived and certainly poorly executed. It seems the CSW was struggling to maintain or stimulate interest in the parade/festival. The turmoil that has resulted causes everyone to address (once again) the purpose of the LGBT Parade and Festival. If it goes away, however, I see it as a further change in our “village” where developers… Read more »