Transients Top the List in Weekly WeHo Crimes


Below is the weekly crime report from the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station that calls out incidents in WeHo from Aug. 15 to 21. The times are indicated in as Military Time, a concise form in which midnight is indicated as 0000 and noon as 1200. The list also includes the case number.

CrimeAug. 15

Vehicle burglary. 8900 block Ashcroft Avenue. @ 1015-0915. Gift packages were taken from the trunk. No sign of forced entry. Loss $100. #04807

Aug. 16

Robbery – Strong Arm (suspect arrested). 8200 block Santa Monica Boulevard. @ 0025. A man removed a box of rolling papers and ran from the store. An employee gave chase and caught up with the suspect. A struggle ensued and the suspect punched the employee and attempted to hit him with a padlock he was holding. Deputies responded and arrested the suspect. No loss. #04804

Robbery – Strong Arm. 8300 block Santa Monica Boulevard. @ 1735. Two men placed several items in a bag and left the store without paying. When confronted in the parking lot by a female employee, one suspect shoved the employee while the other suspect walked towards her in an aggressive manner. Both suspects fled westbound on Santa Monica Boulevard. Loss – Unknown. #04818

Aug. 17

Vehicle Burglary (Suspect Arrested). 7800 block Santa Monica Boulevard. @0322. A transient man attempted to enter a company van parked on the back lot. Deputies responded and arrested the suspect. #04830


Aug. 18

Aggravated Assault – Other Weapon (Suspect Arrested). 1200 block Detroit Street. @ 0826. A transient man swung a metal pipe at a security guard after he was asked to leave the property. Deputies responded and arrested the suspect. #04849

Aug. 19

Residential Burglary (Suspect Arrested). 1100 block Fuller Avenue. @ 1530. A transient man removed the siding of an enclosed patio and attempted to gain entry but was scared off by the resident. Deputies responded and arrested the suspect. Loss $50 (patio siding). #04873

Aug. 20

Nothing significant to report.

Aug. 21

Residential Burglary (Suspect Arrested). 900 block Palm Avenue. @ 0512-0614. A man pulled the garage gate off its track to gain entry then forced the apartment complex gym door open. The suspect threw patio furniture and potted plants into the swimming pool and left the area. Deputies responded and located and arrested the suspect. Loss $5,500. #04911

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