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Larry Block
Larry Block
8 years ago

I’ve been in the same industry and have known and seen the LASC shop grow and evolve over the past 35 years. It’s a tribute to Don and Mike and later Alfredo to survive and thrive the tough economic times in a consolidating industry. But no matter the year or the climate LASC has always had great window displays and went the extra mile to be part of what’s happening locally. This window display is one of my favorites!

Jimmy Palmieri
8 years ago

Chad and Mito always surprise us with current and meaningful displays. FYI—-I was a huge fan of their tribute to Palin.

Mike Dolan
Mike Dolan
8 years ago

The feeling, the essence, the mood that this window display captures, should be looked at and absorbed in any future planning of Weho Pride. It is not just mannequin’s with dresses that honor RuPaul. That is exemplary, obvious and fabulous. In 2016, this can happen. Draw from the inspiration and continued struggle for full equality. Let Pride be the obvious in every decision, plan, booth, entertainment… A celebration in LGBT Pride is not for sale and should be welcoming to all. Thank you RuPaul, LASC and the design team. Invoking the sorrow and sadness culminating in happiness and joy. Just… Read more »

8 years ago

One small correction. ChadMichael is his first name (no space).

Staff Report
8 years ago
Reply to  Randy

Good catch! Thanks