Crimes Last Monday Kept WeHo Sheriff’s Deputies Busy


Below is the weekly crime report from the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station that calls out incidents in WeHo from Aug. 22 to 28. The times are indicated in as Military Time, a concise form in which midnight is indicated as 0000 and noon as 1200. The list also includes the case number.

Aug. 22

Aggravated Assault – Knife. 600 block Robertson Boulevard. @ 2040 – 2050. A man pointed a knife and lunged at a male co-worker during an argument in the kitchen of a restaurant. #04937

CrimeAggravated Assault – Other Weapon. 1100 block La Cienega Boulevard. @ 0330. A male Uber driver pulled away from the curb while the victim was retrieving items from the back seat. As the vehicle pulled away, it ran over the victim’s foot. #04947

Grand Theft. 700 block Huntley Drive. @ 1700-0700. Four wheels and tires were removed from a 2016 Mercedes Benz. Loss $2,000. #04938

Grand Theft. 7100 block Santa Monica Boulevard. @ 1830. A laptop was removed from a table while the victim was using the restroom. Loss $1,000 #04949

Robbery – Strong Arm. 1100 block La Brea Avenue. @ 1530. The victim was sitting in his truck when a male adult approached and asked for money. The victim gave the suspect $1. The suspect demanded another dollar and threatened to punch the victim if he did not comply. Loss $1. #04931


Vehicle Burglary. 1400 block Laurel Avenue. @ 1815-0650. The rear passenger’s side window was smashed and a purse was taken from the rear floorboard, sunglasses from the center console, and a box of cosmetics from the passenger seat. Loss $2100. #04939

Vehicle Burglary. 1400 Laurel Avenue. @ 1900-0945. The front driver’s side window was smashed and sunglasses were taken from the center console. Loss $220. #04940

Vehicle Burglary. 8600 block Santa Monica Boulevard. @ 1445-1530. The front passenger side window was smashed and a briefcase was taken from the front floorboard. Loss $1,000. #04925

Vehicle Burglary. 8600 Santa Monica Boulevard. @ 1400-1600. The rear passenger’s side window was smashed and an air conditioning tube was taken from the back seat. Loss $250. #04926

Aug. 23

Residential Burglary. 1100 block Formosa Avenue. @ 1343. The suspect entered an unlocked door and removed house keys and a key fob. Loss $10. #04944

Aug. 24

Aggravated Assault – Other Weapon (Suspect Arrested). 1100 block La Cienega Boulevard. @ 1457. A homeless man selected several items from the store and attempted to leave without paying. A store employee told the suspect he needed to pay for the items. The suspect became upset and threw a cup of hot soup into the victims face, causing burns to his face and neck. Deputies responded and arrested the suspect. #04965

Aug. 25

Grand Theft. 800 block Westborne Drive. @ 0130. A male employee failed to return cash, documents, and a computer hard drive given to him by his employer. Loss $6,000. #04987

Aug. 26

Grand Theft. 500 block La Cienega Boulevard. @ 1326. A male employee removed a rug from the store and fled the area on a bicycle. Loss $8,500. #04996

Aug. 27

Nothing significant to report.

Aug. 28

Nothing significant to report.

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Jessica M.
Jessica M.
8 years ago

Thank God the sheriffs weren’t busy… they could relax at Norms.