WeHo Beats Nearby Cities in Sales Per Square Mile


West Hollywood sells more taxable goods per square mile than other nearby cities. That is according to a new report by WeHo by the Numbers based on data from the state. Those sales generated $11 million in tax revenue for city programs in fiscal year 2015.

The California Board of Equalization says that there was $1.3 billion ($1,286,364,000) in taxable sales in West Hollywood in 2014. Most of that — $1.1 billion — was for retail and food. Taxable sales include most tangible goods, but not services like haircuts or hotel stays. Hotel stays are covered by a separate occupancy tax. Some tangible goods also are excluded, such as pharmaceuticals and most groceries.

weho by the numbers
David Warren

Beverly Hills, Burbank, Culver City, Los Angeles and Santa Monica had more taxable sales than West Hollywood in 2014. Sales were a third higher in Culver City ($1.8 billion) and twice as high in Beverly Hills ($2.8 billion).

When the numbers are adjusted for population, West Hollywood moves from last to third among nearby cities. West Hollywood had $36,000 in taxable sales per resident in 2014. That was more than twice the state average of $16,000 and three times the per capita sales in the City of Los Angeles ($11,000). Santa Monica was just below West Hollywood with $34,000.

Culver City and Beverly Hills still had more sales than West Hollywood on a per capita basis. Culver City’s sales were about 20% higher, $44,000 per resident. Beverly Hills stood apart with $80,000 per resident, more than twice the West Hollywood number.

When the numbers are adjusted for physical size, West Hollywood comes out on top. West Hollywood led nearby cities in taxable sales per square mile, with $680 million. Beverly Hills was second with $485 million per square mile, a quarter less than West Hollywood. Santa Monica was third at $375 million.


Over the last 15 years, sales in West Hollywood have grown at a very different rate from California as a whole. To find out which grew faster, see the full report, How much do we sell in West Hollywood?

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