Three Strong Arm Robberies in WeHo Last Week


Below is the weekly crime report from the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station that calls out incidents in WeHo from Dec. 26, 2016, to Jan. 1, 2017. The times are indicated in Military Time, a concise form in which midnight is indicated as 0000 and noon as 1200. The list also includes the case number.

Dec. 26

Residential Burglary. 1000 block Gardner Street. 12/26/2016 between 5 and 11:55 pm. an unknown person smashed the rear bedroom door windowpanes to gain access to the residence. The victim was unsure if anything was missing. Loss $100. #07572

Dec. 27

Strong Arm Robbery. Melrose Avenue / San Vincente Boulevard. 12/27/2016 @ 1:30 am. A man was walking northbound on San Vicente on the sidewalk when a man approached him from behind and shoved him to the ground. The suspect held the victim to the ground and demanded his cell phone and wallet. The suspect fled the area on foot. Loss $835. #07581

Strong Arm Robbery. 1100 block La Brea Avenue 12/27/2016 @ 6 pm. A man was punched and shoved to the ground in the parking lot by two men. Seventy dollars in cash was taken from the victim. Both suspects fled the area on foot. #07589

Vehicle Burglary. 1100 block Ogden Drive 12/27/2016 between 8 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. The passenger’s side window was smashed and a purse was taken from the glove box. Loss $220. #07607


Dec. 28

Vehicle Burglary. 1300 block Havenhurst Drive 12/28/2016 between 1 and 10 amm. The rear window was smashed and the interior and a computer bag were searched but no items were taken. Loss $315. #07611

Dec. 29

Residential Burglary. 7500 block Fountain Avenue 12/29/2016 @ 1 a.m. A man opened his unlocked front door and saw another man standing inside his home. The suspect ran from the residence. Loss $700 (Guitar). #07616

Residential Burglary (Suspect Arrested). 800 block Westbourne Drive 12/29/2016 @ 11 p.m. A man opened his unlocked front door and saw another man laying naked on his bed. Deputies responded and arrested the suspect. No loss. #07638

Vehicle Burglary. 1100 block Fairfax Avenue 12/29/2016 between 2 and 9:45 p.m. The front passenger’s side window was smashed and a wallet was taken from the center console. Loss $1,500. #07637

Dec. 30

Nothing significant to report.

Dec. 31

Residential Burglary. 1000 block La Cienega Boulevard 01/01/2017 @ 3 to 9 a.m. $160 in cash was taken from a hotel room. No sign of forced entry. #00011

Jan. 1

Strong Arm Robbery. 8500 Sunset Boulevard (Parking Garage). 01/01/2017 @ 2:30 a.m. A man was walking to his vehicle when two men approached and began to punch him in the face. The victim fell to the ground and his cell phone and debit card were taken from his back pocket. Both suspects fled the area on foot. The cell phone was recovered nearby. Loss $5. #00005

Vehicle Burglary. 7100 block Santa Monica Boulevard 01/01/2017 between 5:30 p.m – 8:00 a.m. The front and rear passenger side windows were smashed and a Go Pro camera, CD’s, and drum kit were taken from the seating area. Loss $5,000. #00022

Vehicle Burglary. 900 block Palm Avenue 01/01/2017 between 10 a.m and 1 p.m. A pair of sunglasses were taken from the overhead storage area. No sign of forced entry. Loss $160. #00036

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