LA LGBT Center’s Lori Jean Condemns Trump’s Immigrant and Refugee Ban


Lorri Jean, the CEO of the L.A. LGBT Center, has issued a statement condemning Donald Trump’s order to ban immigrants and refugees from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States.

LA LGBT Center CEO Lori Jean

“Banning refugees from coming to the U.S. is not only heartless, it’s un-American and clearly unconstitutional,” Jean said. “Those who are fleeing violence, persecution and war in their home countries are already the most vetted people who enter the U.S., undergoing background and screening processes that take at least 18 months. Among those who will be particularly harmed by this order are LGBT people in the targeted countries where the current crisis makes it more likely they’ll face persecution, violence and even death because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

“In 2016 more people turned to the center for immigration and asylum support than any other legal-related issue. The shameful reality of this order is that while it does nothing to enhance the security and safety of our country, it’s likely to result in the loss of innocent lives and to feed the propaganda machine of those who are at war with our country. We expect members of Congress from both parties to stand in opposition to this order and the onslaught of executive orders that harm and further marginalize already marginalized communities.”

Earlier this month, the center launched 100 Days and Me, a community engagement campaign to protect the health, freedom, and well-being of LGBT people. Visitors to will find information about federal legislative and policy threats to LGBT people during the first 100 days of the Trump Administration. They can also register to receive updates and take advantage of resources and tools to respond to actions that would harm LGBT people.

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Wesley McDowell
Wesley McDowell
8 years ago

I’m sure there is a pitch for money in there somewhere. There almost always is!