Temple Beth El Starts Learning Sessions this Saturday


Hollywood Temple Beth El will offer a Shabbat learning community on Saturdays at which Rabbi Norbert Weinberg will guide participants through original source texts (the Bible, Mishnah, Talmud, Codes and Commentaries) and explore Jewish ideas. The first theme will be “Prayer: Why? Where from? How do we do it?” There also will be a reading of the the Aseret Hadibrot, or 10 Declarations, which often are referred to as the Ten Commandments.

The temple’s services begin at 9:45 a.m. on Saturdays and are followed by Kiddush and the learning sessions at 11:45 a.m.

“Moses may have been a shepherd, but he did not want his flock to be sheep,” Weinberg said. “He was creating a knowledge-based people, not a passive audience, and that is what we are attempting here. Our end goal is to create a community of people who can take active part in the service, in chanting, in reading the Torah and Haftarah, and in delivering comments on the Torah portion and other themes. From time to time, we will alternate with other themes, such as a Jewish music sing-along.

Hollywood Temple Beth El is located at 1317 N. Crescent Heights Blvd. at Fountain. More information about the the corner of N. Crescent Heights and Fountain in West Hollywood.

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