United Against Trump, WeHo Council Differs on Wells Fargo


UPDATE:  This story, as originally published, stated that Standing Rock is one of 72 tribes that have no rules barring same-sex marriage. However Councilmember John Duran has noted that specifying that marriage is between a man and a woman, as the Standing Rock law does, effectively denies marriage between people of the same sex. The story has been updated to include that observation.

The West Hollywood City Council is united in its opposition to Donald Trump. But it split last night in what to do about that and in what stand it wants to take, if any, on Wells Fargo’s investment in the controversial Dakota Pipeline.

After a somewhat contentious debate, the council agreed to ask city staffers to develop a list of businesses that Trump has a connection with and a policy for not doing business with Trump and his affiliated businesses. It also asked that city staff members develop standards of social consciousness for city vendors and business partners and use them to evaluate WeHo’s banking relationship with Wells Fargo.

Donald Trump

Mayor Lauren Meister had proposed that the City of West Hollywood not have any dealings with businesses providing financial support or other benefits to Trump. That would include “any financial institution, hotel, real estate company, investor or direct affiliate.” She also asked that the city re-evaluate its relationship with Wells Fargo because of its connections with Trump and the Dakota Pipeline.

The Dakota is a proposed $3.8 billion oil pipeline that would cross under a Missouri River reservoir in North Dakota. The 1,200-mile pipeline would carry oil from North Dakota to a shipping point in Illinois. It has sparked controversy among environmentalists and the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, whose reservation is near it. Cities such as Seattle and Davis and Santa Monica in California already have cut their ties with Wells Fargo because of its investment of $120 million in the pipeline.

In her proposal, Meister noted that the city has created a City Hall working group to keep an eye on Trump Administration policies that might have a negative impact on local residents and visitors. She also cited issues including his advocacy for a border wall with Mexico and cutbacks on consumer financial protection measures.


Meister’s proposal regarding Wells Fargo got pushback from Genevieve Morrill, CEO of the WeHo Chamber of Commerce. She noted that 15 financial institutions have invested in the Dakota Pipeline project. “They didn’t make this decision politically, they made it financially,” Morrill said of Wells Fargo. “This isn’t hurting Trump. This is simply stating our intolerance in a way that has unintended consequences.”

Jonathan Weedman, a former senior vice president of the Wells Fargo Foundation who now is executive director of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles (GMCLA) argued that “there is no company more progressive than Wells Fargo.” He cited the company’s support of LGBT and HIV/AIDS related organizations over the years. His comment, however, drew laughs from some in the audience who had spoken out against the scandal in which the bank was fined $185 million after an investigation that determined its employees opened 1.5 million false accounts for which customers paid a fee.

Councilmember John Duran argued against cutting ties with Wells Fargo, saying its investment is only 5% of the total. Duran also said that the Standing Rock tribe does not permit same sex marriage. While the Supreme Court decided in 2015 that same-sex marriages are legal in the United States, that decision does apply to Indian lands. Nine tribes, not including Standing Rock, do not permit same-sex marriage. Standing Rock is one of 72 tribes that have no rules on the practice. Duran, however, has noted that specifying that marriage is between a man and a woman, as the Standing Rock law does, effectively denies marriage between people of the same sex.

Duran also called out Wells Fargo’s investment in the West Hollywood Community Housing Corporation and its foundation’s support for LGBT organizations.

“I know that you’re on the board of the Gay Men’s Chorus, and I know that Wells Fargo gives a lot of money to the Gay Men’s Chorus,” Meister said in response. Duran, who is chair of the chorus, said that donations to his charity had nothing to do with his decision. According to GMCLA’s website, Wells Fargo has donated more than $50,000. GMCLA also is the recipient of donations from city vendors such as Athens Services and real estate developers.

Councilmember John Heilman called out the complexity of deciding which businesses have a relationship with Trump or the companies in his trust. “I’m not sure we are prepared to no longer buy coffee at Starbucks or groceries at Whole Foods because they may have ties to Trump as well,” he said.

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7 years ago

@Joshua88. I beg to differ. Not only do the Standing Rock not recognize same sex marriage, their laws do not give women a right to choose. I won’t let another group’s issues divide my community and neither should our Council.

7 years ago

Somebody read too fast, I think. From Wikipedia: The federally recognized Native-American Tribes in this section have neutrally worded marriage statutes which do not appear to have been applied to same-sex couples, nor have steps been taken to officially recognize same sex couples, but they are not precluded from recognition. I think that it is possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. So does Mayor Meister, I presume. Not only that, but as a heterosexual resident, I am all for divestment of WF. One of the Obama administration’s excuse for not putting CEOs in jail was the… Read more »

WeHo Resident
WeHo Resident
7 years ago

Other cities are taking stands against Wells Fargo’s involvement in the Pipeline. Seattle pulled 3 BILLION out and Davis CA has pulled 124 million out. I thank Mayor Meister for presenting this for discussion. I hope WeHo doesn’t come down on the wrong side of this issue. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/08/514133514/two-cities-vote-to-pull-more-than-3-billion-from-wells-fargo-over-dakota-pipelin

Thank you.

7 years ago

Right on Caboom! There is a publicity stunt that will have a negative impact on all the employees. Meanwhile, the homeless population and it’s impact on our city/neighborhoods his growing worse by the day. It’s it too much to ask that our LOCAL officials focus on LOCAL issues for which they were elected for and stop trying to generate nationwide press at the expense of the little guy.

7 years ago


7 years ago

@ Skippy: every little or big guy whether they work for Wells Fargo or any other bank or business know when they are crossing an ethical boundary. If an employer advocates compromising ones ethical values, they will compromise you. Leave, find another employer or the WF blemish will follow you and remain in your internal or external resume. @ Joan Henihan: current marketing techniques always present a do-gooder side aka the philanthropic profile to overshadow what occurs under the table and behind closed doors. That is a simple reason why we live in eternally compromised situations of resulting from poor… Read more »

7 years ago

Shawn, you think by mentioning Meister’s proposal is “anti-Meister”? That speaks volumes. She is the mayor and has the bully pulpit and this is how she is spending her time using it — by attacking a bank that has a good relationship with the City and many of its residents. Wells Fargo is not perfect and should definitely be scrutinized for its fraudulent practices that were exposed but I do not see a ground swell of opposition to the bank from community members that were swindled. I personally have had issues with Wells charging me for pointless accounts but the… Read more »

7 years ago

Let’s ask Lauren Meister to disclose a list of all her clients (if she has any), all her recreational activities, all the businesses she patronizes, and all her sources of income (if she has any income of her own), so we can treat her the way she wants to treat other people she disagrees with. Lauren Meister is standing with a band of homophobic, gay hating bigots who think they own huge swathes of other people’s land because of their skin color. None of the pipeline traverses tribal lands. All landowners along the route sold an easement for the pipeline.… Read more »

7 years ago

This hysterical retreat to simplicity is incredible. This action will have such unintended consequences – Wells Fargo is a supporter of our community. An employer of people in our community. Financier of other businesses in our community. As Heilman mentioned…do we stop shopping at a grocery store or buying starbucks or drive certain vehicles because Trump may have investments or involvement in that business??? WTF is going on? People should calm down and our Council members need to take responsibility for local issues. WE are a small city and have plenty of issues that are much more important to focus… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
7 years ago

Thank you Manny.

7 years ago

I’d rather the city not do business with Waze or makers of gas leaf blowers……now that I can support.

Shawn Thompson
7 years ago

I’m sensing weho-ville getting very pro Duran and Heilman and anti Meister. Am I the only one sensing that?