WeHo’s Mid-City Residents Invited to Traffic Calming Meeting Tonight


Residents of West Hollywood’s Mid-City neighborhood are invited to a meeting tonight to discuss traffic issues in their neighborhood and what can be done about them.

The meeting will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the community conference room on the first floor of City Hall, which is at 8300 Santa Monica Blvd. on the corner of Sweetzer. Those who can’t attend are invited to provide input to Walter Davis of the city’s Traffic Management Program at [email protected]

traffic calming
Speed bumps used for traffic calming on residential streets.

Tonight’s meeting is part of a study being conducted to evaluate traffic conditions on residential streets in the neighborhood, which is bounded by La Cienega Boulevard, Sunset Boulevard, Fairfax Avenue and Willoughby Avenue. Residents attending the meeting will have an opportunity to discuss traffic-related issues and learn about traffic calming alternatives to reduce speeding and cut-through traffic in the neighborhood.

WeHo’s Neighborhood Traffic Management Program is an effort to develop proposals in collaboration with residents for reducing cut-through traffic and slowing vehicle speeds on residential streets.

The city already has completed a study and gotten feedback from the community about a plan for the West Hollywood West neighborhood and has been implementing six recommended improvements. The city also has completed the process for the Tri-West neighborhood and recently proposed a number of options for the Norma Triangle neighborhood.

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7 years ago

Well perhaps showing a little, god forbid, strength might help. Traffic calming, La De Da.Quit trying so hard to be so politically correct and try a hard, in your face, old fashioned anti- speeding campaign.Put a little, god forbid, fear in people with tickets and maybe you won’t need to spend a fortune in tax dollars and ruin everyone’s driving experience with the bumps. Some sirens and flashing lights will get the word out real fast. Remember, money talks! And cut thru traffic is needed to lessen the load on the main streets to keep things moving.

Creative One
Creative One
7 years ago

For each “traffic calming” suggestion on east/west streets, a traffic improvement measure should be included for Sunset, Santa Monica or Fountain.

And “traffic calming” recommendations on north/south streets need to be balanced with traffic flow enhancements to La Cienega, Fairfax or Crescent Heights.

7 years ago

How can you cut down on using side streets, when Santa Monica Blvd is a parking lot? Absurd.

Heads Up!
Heads Up!
7 years ago

25 mph on main boulevards
15 mph residential neighborhoods
Speed bumps

Motorcycle Patrol issuing expensive tickets like they do on Doheny Drive/Loma Vista/ Foothill above Sunset in BH.

Things WILL slow down and calm down.