The California Geologic Survey today released the latest iteration of maps of earthquake fault zones in West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Napa, Santa Monica and Vallejo and in areas of L.A. and Napa counties. Within the borders of West Hollywood, the Hollywood fault runs along Sunset Boulevard from North La Cienega Boulevard on the west to Sunset’s intersection with Havenhurst and North Kilkea drives on the east. The fault moves north of Hollywood Boulevard after its intersection with La Cienega. The CGS map in an area it labels the Beverly Hills Quadrangle is posted below. The video above by Group Delta Consultants offers a trip along the zone.
Earthquake fault zones are areas that include surface traces of active faults that have a potential for rupture. The zones are mapped under a state law known as the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault that was enacted in 1972. That law requires the CGS agency to compile maps of areas with surface traces of active faults. It doesn’t require tracking of seismic hazards, which is regulated by another law.
The maps have been made public by the CGS so that people can comment on them for a period that ends on Oct. 11. They then will be supplanted by official revised maps in early January. The earthquake fault areas outlined in those maps will be subject to state regulations that require owners or agents for properties for sale to disclose their location within the zone. New residential buildings cannot be constructed within the zone unless the developer does a geologic investigation that shows the fault does not pose a hazard to the proposed structure.
The City of West Hollywood already has a law that bans construction of apartment and condo buildings on earthquake faults. For projects proposed to be built 200 feet north and 500 feet south of the Hollywood fault zone, the law requires the developer to “verify that the main trace or a recently active splay of the fault does not project through critical site structures or facilities.” Builders of projects in the area that are between 500 and 700 feet south of fault line must conduct either a fault location investigation, to verify that the fault doesn’t does not project through important structures or facilities or the site or come up with a plan for a strengthened foundation system.
Comments on the latest CGS map should be addressed to:
Jeffrey Schmidt, Executive Officer
State Mining and Geology Board
801 K Street, MS 20-15
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 322-1082
The State Mining and Geology Board will hold a public hearing near the end of the 90-day review period. For more information on the date and location of the public hearing, contact the State Mining and Geology Board.

@ Jessica: Now you are contending that Townscape is colluding with LA Planning, LA City Council and WeHo City Council? Please share your comments with Wehoville readers concerning the fault line in your personal response to the DEIR.
8150 Sunset is 500 feet from the fault line. And that’s right to the center of both buildings. The Los Angeles Planning Department totally passed over on this in their rush to “pay for play” with Townscape.
Well this should be reason enough for the City to tease the possibility of a Subway Line through weho. It has been decided by MTA, STATE and all involved in the subway lines, it is not close to being cost efficient, compared to many other routes.
So the next ‘tease’ of a possible future subway line through weho is not only a no-go, but Seismically, it makes it absurd to tell the public it may happen.
I think a link to a PDF or something we can actually see would have been helpful here.
So I’m assuming the ugly cellblocks on either side of La Cienega at Sunset have a strengthened foundation system and/or the developer has complied with all the laws. I do hope that a simple wad of cash into someone’s pocket or campaign fund or the likewise didn’t suffice.