WeHo Crime: Early Morning Hotel Visitor Takes $1,750 from Guest’s Safe


Below is the weekly crime report from the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station that calls out incidents in WeHo from July 3 to 9. The list also includes each case.

July 3

Grand Theft. 300 block Westbourne Drive at 4:09 a.m. An unknown suspect removed a digital camera from the glove box of the unlocked vehicle. Loss $1,200. #03574

crime, west hollywood sheriff's stationJuly 4

Strong Arm Robbery.7100 block Santa Monica Boulevard at 1:30 p.m. A man removed three Inkjet cartridges from the shelf and left the store without paying. When confronted by store security, the suspect threatened to hurt the victim if he tried to stop him. Loss $300. #03575

July 5

Other Burglary. 8200 block Santa Monica Boulevard between 11 p.m. and 10 a.m. An unknown suspect used a blow torch to gain entry to an ATM machine and removed $2,800 in cash. The ATM is located on an unsecured patio of the business. Loss $5,800. #03621

July 6

Grand Theft. 8400 block Fountain Avenue between 10:30 p.m. and 10 a.m. An unknown suspect removed a backpack containing clothing, shoes, sunglasses, and a Go-Pro camera from the front passenger seat of the unlocked vehicle. Loss $1,800. #03661


Vehicle Burglary (Suspect Arrested). 8700 block Santa Monica Boulevard at 11:15 a.m. The suspect used a partially open window to gain access to the vehicle. The victim heard her car alarm and returned to her car and found the suspect sitting in the passenger’s seat removing items from the glove box. The suspect ran from the car and fled the area on a bicycle. Responding deputies located and arrested the suspect. No loss. #03610

July 7

Other Burglary. 8800 block Sunset Boulevard between 5:01 and 5:08 a.m. A man used an unlocked rear door to gain entry and attempted to pry open the cash register but was unsuccessful. Loss $150 (Damaged cash register). #03620

Strong Arm Robbery (Suspect Arrested). 8900 block Melrose Avenue at 4:15 a.m. A homeless man removed money from a tip jar and ran from the store. An employee chased after the suspect and caught up with him at the corner of Nemo Street and Doheny Drive. The suspect told the victim he would kill him if he did not let him go. Fearing for his safety, the victim let the suspect walk away. Responding deputies located and arrested the suspect. Loss $12 (Recovered). #03630

Vehicle Burglary. 1000 block Palm Avenue between 5 and 10:00 a.m. An unknown suspect removed a backpack containing clothing and $400 cash from the back seat. The vehicle is a convertible and the top was down when the theft occurred. Loss $1,050. #03625

July 8

Aggravated Assault – Other Weapon. 700 block Huntley Drive between 3 and 3:30 p.m. A man confronted a group of skateboarders outside of his residence and asked them to leave. An argument ensued and the victim was punched in the face by one of the suspects. Another suspect swung his skateboard and hit the victim on the arm. #03642

Grand Theft. 100 block North Robertson Boulevard at 12:05 p.m. A man entered the store and removed a Louis Vuitton purse from the display area and ran from the store. Loss $5,000. #03640

July 9

Grand Theft. 8400 block Sunset Boulevard between 3:45 a.m. and 6:50 a.m. A woman removed $1,750 in cash from the victim’s hotel safe after being invited to the room. Loss $1750. #03652

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7 years ago

Joshua88, Some it appears believe once they are in West Hollywood crime is none existent and leaving ones property in full view it will be safe.

7 years ago

I agree that most people are living in a bubble when they leave valuables exposed (or not – but often) in an unlocked car.

They may just be opportunists or people who like to take risks. The guy taking the $12 is obviously a different story.

fine7760: What do border walls have to do with lowlifes and burglary in WeHo?

7 years ago

I find some of the reports humorous. We still see people leaving their valuables in their passenger compartments of their vehicles and expect them to still be there. We have no border walls, low life’s migrate in and violate our civil society.

Nir Zilberman
Nir Zilberman
7 years ago

Simple. Sad. This is WEHO? Not this is the new city of West Hollywood. And it’s just going to get worst. We are city just like any other city. Is is the city of one people, one pride? Maybe we need to have a city council meeting about What is the meaning of PRIDE? This will be a great start. If you change Nothing, Nothing Change. Cheers, West Hollywood.