“Negative Nancy” | Adore Delano


I am a HUGE Adore Delano fan and was excited to see her newest music video “Negative Nancy” come out last week. The setting of the video is a baseball game between what I am assuming is the jock boys and Adore’s team, which are the “misfits” or, as the coach says, “lovable losers”. However, in this game the misfits are the ones that are kicking the asses of the jock boys, and I freaking die when one guy is playing in heels lol. Also can we say how freaking fit, fierce and sickening Adore looks in the video? Her songs are all super empowering and basically say, “fuck you” to what people consider normal. They call out that that sometimes the people that are a little different or “out there” are the greatest of them all. The ending of the video is hilarious (she gets hit by the pitcher and comes for his ass!) Thank you Adore for making amazing music and encouraging us all to be as bad ass as you are.  Watch

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