Opinion: Attacking Democrats and Liberals in WeHo is Thoughtless and Inane


Could it be that most people in West Hollywood are not supporters of Donald Trump because their values are higher, they are generous and compassionate. Could it be that we are not his supporters because the character of their president is more important than his or her party and we feel Trump is a dangerous sociopath who has lowered our station and status in the world? Could it be that we are not his supporters because he has alienated our traditional friends around the world but suspiciously embraced our adversary Russia and Putin as his best friend?

There is increasing reason to believe there’s collusion by his administration with Russia to steal our presidential election so Trump that could build an administration with ties to Russia and continue the suspected “investments” with Russia for his own personal gain and protection. Could it possibly be because Trump is, as admitted on video, a sexual predator and stalker, also a racist and xenophobe, a misogynist and a self-serving, self-entitled bigot and hate monger? (Among his campaign promises was to deport Mexicans and ban Muslims.)

Woody McBreairty

Trump was fined $25 million for conning “students” enrolled in his fake university. He cheated workers on his development projects out of their honestly earned pay, causing many of them, to go bankrupt and even lose their own homes. Trump also is commonly believed to be a narcissist and a pathological liar and considered by some expert observers to be a very mentally disturbed and dangerous man. He installed his daughter as a high-ranking government official and and gave her a top security clearance, a very questionable, potentially dangerous move, and did the same for his son-in-law, who is now on the short list of those being investigated by the special counsel and who tried to establish a “back channel” between himself and the Kremlin to be kept secret from the U.S. government. I believe that qualifies as treason.

Trump has appointed cabinet heads all specifically chosen to destroy the agencies they are supposed to manage. Trump is out to destroy any and all consumer protection laws and environmental protection laws. He has banned all transgender soldiers from the military and I’m sure gay men and women will be next, and quite possibly people of specific religions as well. Trump has publicly imitated and ridiculed the handicapped, promoted violence at his campaign rallies and mocked and demeaned all of his political opponents with slurs and petty name calling and vicious personal attacks.  Trump supports the Republicans in Congress to abolish Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.

Trump has made millions from being president, ignoring constitutional requirements forbidding such activity by the president. As of today there are still another of numerous lawsuits against Trump regarding his disregard for the emoluments clause in the Constitution, as the money from around the world continues to flow into his bank accounts. Many political experts consider this the most corrupt administration in U.S. history. If that is the character of the man Republicans want for president, that is their prerogative, but it does not speak well for them.

Attacking Democrats and liberals in West Hollywood for their political positions is thoughtless and inane. We are well known around the world for our progressive politics, inclusion and support for human freedoms and rights, period. And it’s not just West Hollywood. California is 70 to 75% Democratic, both our Senators have been Democrats for decades, our governor is a Democrat and many of our Democratic congressmen are the country’s best and most progressive. That speaks for itself. I’ve never heard of anyone objecting to Republicans’ expressing their political views in West Hollywood, everyone is free to do so. They obviously know full well that the majority of our city is Democratic and there is bound to be push back. That’s politics everywhere. It’s their choice to live here among those they ostensibly find politically undesirable. Their attacks and objections mystify me. It’s like joining a nudist colony then complaining because they have to look at naked people.

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Mike King
7 years ago

The reason there’s so much crime in weho is because weho is too libreal/democratic.liberals are for letting criminals out on eary release programs.libreal are against protecting themselves with the 2 ammenmememt.ect.

7 years ago

There is a known world of difference between Democrats and the “Liberal” wing of the party. Today’s party seems to consist of the Corporate Dems, Traditional Dems, and Progressives. The corporate wing of the party is rife (stinking) with neoliberals, who are on a par with the neoconservative wing of the Republican party. The problem w/NOT attacking Dems is that many deserve to be removed from office. Remove and Replace. We need a rising Progressive party. I’ll remain an independent for as long as it takes. Electing Trump was the greatest thing that could have happened in ONLY one sense:… Read more »

7 years ago

Bravo Woody. So true & it’s only getting worse every day. Heaven help us.

7 years ago

Josh Kurpies, Hillary used a non secure server that was in fact hacked giving our enemies information that they otherwise would not have and thats treason. And who knows what else she did in her “pay for play” scheme enriching her private foundation.

J Simmons
J Simmons
7 years ago

Hey Woody, I think a large percentage of weho residents agree. But the BLAME also rides equally on the Republican’s ability to VOTE together as a single block, no matter what any Republican Rep or Senator. (side note – SHOCKING but “Thank God For John McCain as the vote the saved the ACA. BTW -Did you or )any non radical troll throwing out lies as one person today said Hillary is A Traitor) EVER hear “Repeal AND REPLACE” Prior to Trump? I only heard many like 80 house votes to repeal the ACA kept up knowing it couldn’t pass prior… Read more »

Josh Kurpies
Josh Kurpies
7 years ago

According to US Government Code, Treason occurs when “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.”

Hillary Clinton used a privately owned email server (which proved to be more secure than the government’s personnel server that holds the social security number and personal information of nearly every federal employee), and this makes her guilty of treason? C’mon @fine7760, let’s tone down the rhetoric a bit.

7 years ago

I think someone is out of whack.

7 years ago

It seems those on the left believe treason is acceptable if it originates from their side of the aisle. Hillary Clinton committed treason when should failed to use a secure server while conducting State Department business. i don’t care if the messages were classified or not she should not have used that type of server. President Obama pardoned the soldier who sent classified information to the enemy. He was sentenced to 35 years but only served three. But the big uproar is President Trumps pardon of the Sheriff in Arizona that made inmates in his county jail wear pink. It… Read more »

J Simmons
J Simmons
7 years ago
Reply to  fine7760

Re: Hillary Clinton was investigated many times, SHE DID NOT COMMIT TREASON was the same determination.
Keep in mind it was a few yrs back, people didn’t understand many tech terms.

BTW Hate Hillary or not, WASN’T TREASON OR ANY CRIME, BUT nobody knew her server was at home with 24/7 secret service … SHE WAS THE ONLY PERSON IN THE STATE DEPARTMENT WHO NEVER GOT HACKED (her innocent mistake happened to PROTECT our Sec O State.

J Simmons
J Simmons
7 years ago

Of course the big picture issues you discuss are DISTURBING (literally – old school definition) TO ME.

GOOD NEWS. Absurd to question can Trump pardon himself. BUT

I think MSNBC had a long story Trump, his entire staff as pres. and pre-election activity ARE ALSO STATE CRIMES in at least 39 States. THE PRESIDENT HAS ABSOLUTE PARDON OVER FEDERAL CASES ONLY. A number of States’ Attorneys Generals are researching now.


7 years ago

I agree Woody. Thank you for speaking out on this. Trump has to go for everyone’s sake. Even those who “support” him are in deep doo doo

WeHo Dude
WeHo Dude
7 years ago

I agree that this account is factual, only worse. Trump as president is a disaster. Mr. Morin “blaming” the Electoral College singularly for this disaster is discounting history & the way the Republicans tampered & interfered in the election & a corrupt SCOTUS gave — I said gave — the 2000 election to George Bush. You also seem to be discounting the horrific disaster that occurred in 2016, with a master propagandist. liar & very disturbed man who stopped at nothing to ruthlessly steal the election with the aid of a band of Russian associated crooks & Putin himself. It’s… Read more »

7 years ago

Dan Morin, I am familiar with the Citizens United Decision but with that said passing legislation, perhaps a Constitutional Amendment, to outlaw political contributions will put an end to the bribes we see today. And there is no law or SCOTUS decision that would block taxing those bribes as personal income. That would at least would be a incentive to limit the amount of bribes soot after. The Supreme Court became involved in the 2000 election because of the way the recount was being conducted by the democrats, read the decision. I therefore question the final voter count since the… Read more »